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  • The task before us is urgent
    October 4, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    Every episcopal ordination brings us deep into the mystery of the Church, into the mystery of God’s plan for the world and for our lives.

  • We all deserve mercy, including immigrants
    September 26, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    Today, we celebrate the beautiful diversity of peoples that make up the family of God in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and in the Dioceses of Orange, San Bernardino, and San Diego.

  • How U.S. Catholics are helping others
    September 13, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    As I’ve been praying for the upcoming Synodal Assembly, which will be held in Rome Oct. 4–22 as part of the three-year Synod on Synodality called by Pope Francis, I find myself reflecting on the diversity and vitality of the Church in America.

  • May Our Lady’s wish become reality
    August 30, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    We remember the founding of our great city today under the mantle of Nuestra Señora de los Angeles de Porciuncula, Our Lady the Queen of Angels.

  • From glory to glory
    August 16, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    The Church is forever young, always being renewed in the Spirit in every age.

  • LA’s new bishops and bringing Jesus to people
    August 2, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    The Holy Father Pope Francis has given us the great gift of appointing four new auxiliary bishops for the family of God in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

  • Mary’s love is God’s love
    July 17, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    On July 8, Archbishop Gomez celebrated Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City for more than 200 pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and for the prayer intentions of the whole family of God in Los Angeles. The following is adapted from his homily.

  • San Gabriel and the American mission
    July 3, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    On July 1, Mission San Gabriel Arcángel fully reopened to the public for the first time since the pandemic and the devastating arson attack in July 2020.

  • Called to love with the heart of Jesus
    June 19, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    We gather on this Solemnity of The Sacred Heart of Jesus to celebrate the beauty of God’s love and pray that our hearts might be conformed to his, which burns with love for all people.

  • Only you can bring them Jesus’
    June 5, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    (On June 3, Archbishop José H. Gomez ordained eight men to the priesthood in a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The following is adapted from his homily.)