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  • In a difficult world, we can still proclaim Jesus
    February 28, 2024  |  The Latest  |  

    It was a joy to be with so many of you at our Religious Education Congress. I came away inspired by your passion to pass on the faith to our young people and to share the Gospel with our neighbors.

  • For Black Catholic history, holiness is God’s response to injustice
    February 13, 2024  |  The Latest  |  

    Black Catholic history is American history. It is American Catholic history. And it is also a chapter in God’s beautiful plan for salvation history.

  • For this early Lent, be converted and ‘go further’
    February 8, 2024  |  The Latest  |  

    Lent comes early this year. In fact, Ash Wednesday falls on Feb. 14, and Lent begins.

    The Church gives us this season of grace each year as a privileged moment to concentrate on our spiritual lives, and to really work on making progress in our ongoing conversion to Christ.

  • OneLife LA — 10 years on
    January 19, 2024  |  The Latest  |  

    Ten years ago, we founded OneLife LA with the hope of starting a new conversation and encouraging a new way of thinking about the right to life and the cause of human dignity in our city and in our nation.

  • Living our best ‘Catholic story’ in 2024
    January 10, 2024  |  The Latest  |  

    Every new year marks a new beginning, a chance to make a fresh start. This is a hopeful thought and a very “Catholic” thought.

  • Love comes down on Christmas
    December 26, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    Merry Christmas!

    On Christmas we celebrate the Love of God who comes down from the highest heaven to make his home with us here on earth.

  • This Advent, experience salvation’s joy
    December 6, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    We marked a joyous beginning to Advent this past Sunday with our 92nd annual procession and Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego.

  • The blessings of the U.S. Church
    November 22, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    I was in Baltimore last week for the annual plenary assembly of the United States Catholic bishops.

    It was the first bishops’ meeting for our four new auxiliary bishops, who were ordained in September. So, it was a special time for me to pray and share with them and Auxiliary Bishop Marc Trudeau.

  • Venerable Madeleine Delbrêl: A missionary and a mystic
    November 8, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    Sophia Institute Press has just reissued the spiritual classic,“The Joy of Believing,” by Madeleine Delbrêl, who was declared a “Venerable” by Pope Francis in 2018. The following is adapted from Archbishop Gomez’s introduction to this work, which was first published in 1968.

  • Becoming the saint next door
    October 25, 2023  |  The Latest  |  

    Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has been calling us to return to the ideal of holiness, our vocation to become, as he says, “the saints next door.”