The Diocese of Sioux City will join others across the United States in adding a special collection, the weekend of Sept. 9-10, to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast.
Among the most affected areas are the Diocese of Victoria and the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, which is overseen by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, former Bishop of Sioux City from 1998 to 2004.
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez Awards Special Honors to Local Catholics
Three Pasadena Catholics and one from South Pasadena were among 54 laypersons and 15 priests in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles who received special honors from Roman Catholic Church leader Pope Francis, in a ceremony held at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in downtown Los Angeles last Sunday afternoon.
Disappointment, Uncertainty Yet Hope for the “DREAM” Act
Sisters Zuleyma and Saira Barajas felt a flood of emotions when they heard the announcement this week that DACA would be phased out over the next six months.
US Bishops Denounce Trump Administration’s Decision to End DACA
U.S. bishops denounced the Trump administration’s decision Tuesday to end a program that benefited hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. as minors.
Archbishop Gomez’s statement on the decision to end DACA
I am deeply disappointed by President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Trump’s DACA decision unites right and left on one point: The fight isn’t over yet
“DACA is an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.”
— Attorney General Jeff Sessions
“Only by the reliable enforcement of immigration law can we produce safe communities, a robust middle class, and economic fairness for all Americans.”
Catholic Leaders, Long On The Side Of Immigrants, Condemn Trump’s DACA Decision
Roman Catholic leaders across the U.S. spoke out Tuesday against President Donald Trump’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Gómez a living rebuttal of seeing bishops as ‘partisan’ on immigration
Although the U.S. bishops have long been charged with being in bed with either the political left or right whenever they take positions on public policy issues, if you can look at Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles’s advocacy of immigration reform and still think so, one has to ask, “Then what would it take to change that?”
Archbishop Gomez Calls Ending DACA “A Tragedy”
In his weekly column in the Archdiocese’s news magazine, Angelus, Archbishop José H. Gomez called on President Trump and members of Congress returning to Washington from their August recess to find common ground on immigration reform and make the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) permanent.
Archdiocese of Hartford to Collect Funds for Victims of Harvey
The Archdiocese of Hartford will have a special collection for the victims of Hurricane Harvey on Sept. 9 and 10.