Back to Lent
How is your Lent going?
These first few weeks have been really busy for me. I can imagine that in your life, too, you feel the “pull” of many responsibilities and demands on your time.
On immigration, seeking the balance of love and the law
Editor’s note: On March 8, Archbishop Gomez addressed a gathering of Catholics and other leaders in politics and business at a symposium hosted by the Napa Institute in Washington, D.C. The text below is adapted from his address. To read his full talk, “Where Do We Go From Here? Why We Cannot Wait for Immigration Reform,” visit his website: ArchbishopGomez.com.
God’s beautiful plan of love
We have begun the spiritual journey of Lent.
And always at the beginning of Lent, the Church in her liturgy calls us back to our “beginnings.”
At a world meeting of popular movements
I am writing this week from Modesto, where I am attending a conference sponsored by the Vatican.
The joy of marriage
This past weekend I had the joy to celebrate World Marriage Day and preside over the renewal of wedding vows for 64 couples, including one couple who have been married for 71 years.
Sal y luz
Hasta el momento, este Año Nuevo ha sido todo un torbellino.
Estaba yo leyendo que un columnista de Washington describió el otro día la manera cómo se ven las cosas desde la capital de la nación: “Estamos viviendo momentos determinantes en la historia y nadie sabe aquí hacia dónde vamos o en qué terminará este período. Todos —la izquierda, la derecha y el centro— sienten que la tierra se hunde bajo sus pies. Están pasando demasiadas cosas”.
Salt and light
This new year so far has been a whirlwind.
I was reading a Washington columnist the other day who described the way things look from the nation’s capitol: “We are living through big history and no one here knows where it’s going or how this period ends. Everyone — left, right and center — feels the earth is unsteady under their feet. Too much is happening.”
On the executive orders
Last week was hard. It is sad to see it come to this — that the president of the United States must define, by an executive order, the precise meaning of the word “wall.”
Educating for the truth about life
OneLife LA was an amazing day. I was so happy to see so many of you come out to be with us at Exposition Park.
Mientras escribo, nos estamos preparando para nuestro tercer festival anual de la familia OneLife L.A. 2017 (UnaVida L.A. 2017), una celebración para elevar una alabanza por la vida y la dignidad humanas.