Un colorido homenaje a la Virgen de Guadalupe en Los Ángeles
Desde muy temprano, feligreses llegaron a la iglesia Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Ángeles en la Placita Olvera.
How to venerate St. Juan Diego’s tilma in the U.S.
Only one archdiocese in the world is known to house a fragment of St. Juan Diego’s tilma, or cloak, that Our Lady of Guadalupe left imprinted with her miraculous image nearly 500 years ago: The Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Cobertura especial de la celebración a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Este año se cumplen 493 años de la aparición de la Virgen de Guadalupe en el Cerro de Tepeyac, en la Ciudad de México, y Telemundo 52 conmemorará ese aniversario con el especial “Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe”, el 11 de diciembre.
En la catedral de LA celebran el aniversario 493 de la aparición de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Con danzantes aztecas, música de mariachi, artistas y una misa oficiada por el arzobispo de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, José H. Gómez, cientos de feligreses celebraron “Las Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe”.
The community honors Our Lady of Guadalupe at The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
Many community members bring flowers and candles to the cathedral to show their respect for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Virgen de Guadalupe: de México para el Mundo
“¿No estoy aquí yo, que soy tu Madre?” son palabras con las que se presenta María de Guadalupe ante el primer santo indígena, san Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin. Mismas que siguen resonando hasta el día de hoy en el Cerrito del Tepeyac, donde millones de peregrinos de todo el mundo acuden para saludarla, pedir su intercesión o recibir ese anhelado ‘milagrito’.
The community honors Our Lady of Guadalupe at The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
Many community members bring flowers and candles to the cathedral to show their respect for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The anonymous and the lonely are put to rest in a shared grave in Los Angeles
Sharing an emotional message to love, respect and appreciate people while they’re still here, even if we don’t know them, Los Angeles County officials and members of the public took part in an indigent burial ceremony on Thursday morning, Dec. 12.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a spiritual refuge for Hispanic Catholics in L.A.
Driving along the Route 91 freeway in Compton, Calif., I was struck by an unusual sight: a tent with a circular dome topped by a cross, in the parking lot of a hotel casino. I pulled over for a closer look and discovered it was an installation in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Los Angeles Cathedral to host vigil celebration for feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles will host its annual “Las Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe” Dec. 11. The event includes a vigil of prayer, music, and cultural festivities in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe.