Mid City Church Offers Free Driver’s License Classes to Undocumented Immigrants
In anticipation of the implementation of AB60 – which will require the Department of Motor Vehicles to give drivers licenses to Californians who cannot prove they are in the country legally – a Mid City church began Sunday offering free courses to help locals pass their driving tests.
Local Catholics honor sacrifice and celebrate Vietnamese unity
Before Mass, the faithful draped in gleaming headdresses and silk garments turned to welcome an ancient symbol of their modern faith: the bones of three saints who sacrificed their lives for their religion, cementing Roman Catholicism in Vietnam.
U.S. Bishops Elect Delegates to Synod: Kurtz, Chaput, DiNardo, Gomez Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/u.s.-bishops-elect-delegates-to-synod-kurtz-chaput-dinardo-gomez/#ixzz3K7MIM96w
BALTIMORE — Meeting in Baltimore for their annual fall meeting, the U.S. bishops selected their choices for delegates to next year’s synod on the family, sources confirmed to CNA.
Pro-life? Then keep immigrant families together, bishops implore
In the wake of the mid-term elections last week, the U.S. Bishops urged Congress and President Obama to work together on timely immigration reform that respects families and human dignity.
“We urge both parties to work together to finally reform this broken and immoral system,” said Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio Elizondo of Seattle, addressing his brother bishops at their annual fall meeting in Baltimore on Nov 11.
KHJ launching all Catholic programming this month
Nov. 17 is the expected launch date of the all-new, all-Catholic KHJ on 930 AM.
There is somewhat of a cosmic force at work here. For those who are as insane as I am about radio (and KHJ in particular), you may remember that it was on a cold, dark night almost to the day 34 years ago — 9 p.m. Nov. 7, 1980 — when the suits at RKO forced KHJ to make the ill-fated switch from Top 40 to country. The world of radio was never right again.
OLM School Celebrates Mass with 3,000 Local Students
Our Lady of Malibu School fourth through eighth grade students celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels on Oct. 15. OLM students joined more than 3,000 students from local catholic schools throughout LA County.
Día de los muertos a lo grande en L.A.
El 1 de noviembre se realizará una celebración multicultural del Día de Muertos, en el Este de Los Ángeles.
Fe y tradición en el Día de los muertos
LOS ÁNGELES (California) – El Día de los Muertos es una celebración mexicana y centroamericana de origen prehispánico, que honra a los difuntos el 1 y 2 de noviembre y coincide con las celebraciones católicas del Día de los Fieles Difuntos y Todos los Santos.
Niños de LA aprenden a celebrar el Día de los Muertos
Niños de ocho escuelas católicas de Los Ángeles pintaron calaveras de azúcar, fabricaron flores y rosarios a base de papel y construyeron altares ayer como anticipo de una celebración del Día de los Muertos que se realizará este sábado 1 de noviembre en el cementerio Calvary del Este de Los Ángeles.