New L.A. media platform utilizes print and digital formats, social media
The new multimedia platform created by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has as its patron St. Junipero Serra and aims to follow his example as the first to evangelize in California.
Saints, martyrs and the cross – Archbishop Gomez on true freedom
As church leaders rallied U.S. Catholics to defend their faith against an increasingly antagonistic society and government, the relics of Blessed Oscar Romero and St. Junipero Serra made an appearance at the Los Angeles cathedral.
A case of conscience and national identity
Our nation’s failure to address the immigration issue has led to a persistent air of crisis and a true humanitarian tragedy.
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent deadlock in United States v. Texas, I called on President Obama and Congress to agree to halt deportations of nonviolent individuals pending the outcome of the national elections this fall.
La Catedral de Los Ángeles inaugura una muestra de reliquias religiosas
La catedral de Los Ángeles, California (EE.UU.), expone desde hoy una muestra de reliquias religiosas con restos y objetos de los mártires ingleses Tomás Moro y Juan Fisher, así como del arzobispo salvadoreño Oscar Romero y el español Junípero Serra.
Los Angeles Cathedral hosts exhibition of religious relics
Los Angeles Cathedral in California is currently exhibiting a collection of religious relics associated with English martyrs St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Spanish missionary Fray Junipero Serra.
Muestran reliquias de Monseñor Romero y San Junípero Serra en la Catedral de Los Ángeles
Por unas cuantas horas, los angelinos pudieron apreciar algunas de las reliquias del beato Monseñor Óscar Romero, el santo Junípero Serra y dos santos ingleses, Thomas More y John Fisher, en el altar de la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles.
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lanza plataforma multimedia Angelus
Mañana viernes 1 de julio la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lanzará la plataforma multimedia Angelus News. La plataforma incluye una edición diaria de una revista digital de noticias, con videos, fotos, galerías, y alimentación de canales en las redes sociales Facebook, Twitter e Instagram.
Contenido publicado en es.gaudiumpress.org, en el enlace http://es.gaudiumpress.org/content/80281#ixzz4Dl6htZuH
Se autoriza su publicación desde que cite la fuente.
Archbishop Gomez Celebrates St. Monica Academy Graduation
On June 17, Archbishop of Los Angeles Jose Gomez celebrated St. Monica Academy’s baccalaureate Mass and graduation at the school’s Montrose campus. After celebrating Mass with six other priests, Archbishop Gomez gave the commencement address and conferred diplomas upon St. Monica Academy’s eighth grade and senior graduates. In his address, the Archbishop urged the graduates to pray unceasingly to become saints. The ceremony closed with the graduates singing the words of their alma mater: “Crusaders, fight the good fight throughout your future lives. Proclaim the truth with courage knowing Christ is at your side.”
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lanza nueva plataforma multimedia Angelus
Este viernes 1 de julio la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles en Estados Unidos lanzará su nueva plataforma multimedia Angelus News, con la cual buscan servir a millones de católicos.