Search is on for Santacruzan 2014 ‘sagalas’
In preparation for its annual Santacruzan on May 10 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the Filipino Ministry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is seeking “sagalas,” young women ages 13-35, who will comprise the Court of Honor for the procession of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Each candidates must be a baptized and practicing Catholic; must write an essay on: “How Can I be a Model for Today’s Young Women?”; and be able to attend mandatory preparation activities including Catechetical Day (April 12 at St. Stephen Martyr Church, Monterey Park) as part of faith formation, as well as a general practice (May 6, 7 p.m. at the Cathedral), the Santacruzan Celebration (May 10, 2:45 p.m. at the Cathedral) and the Santacruzan Dinner-Dance (May 10 at Almansor Court in Alhambra).
‘For the ones we’ve lost, and the ones we’ve saved’
“Defend Life,” “Women Do Regret Abortion,” “Men Regret Lost Fatherhood” and, simply, “Life” — those were the signs that greeted travelers March 15 along Ventura Boulevard in Encino.
On this warm and sunny Saturday morning in Encino, more than 1,000 people of all ages and ethnicities marched along both sides of the San Fernando Valley’s busiest street, carrying signs proudly proclaiming their pro-life faith as they waved enthusiastically to those driving past.
Rabbis, Latino priests seek stronger ties at AJC event
Dozens of local Latino Catholic priests and Jewish rabbis seeking to strengthen interfaith relations — and discuss their shared migrant experiences — came together March 10 for a day of fellowship and conversation at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.
‘Cesar Chavez’: A stirring biopic
“Cesar Chavez: An American Hero,” director Diego Luna’s latest production, is a moving biography of the late civil rights activist, labor organizer and co-founder, with Dolores Huerta, of the United Farm Workers Union.
Youth at Congress: ‘Never Alone, Forever Accepted’
When she was younger, Lily Dougalas thought of faith as believing in God as someone with a large scroll who knew what was going to happen when and how. Now, the high school junior from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Hermosa Beach views her Catholicity differently.
In Anaheim: A Church ‘afire with hope’ at Congress
Near the end of the weekend celebration that is the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, 17 people came to the altar in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena to receive a special blessing from Archbishop José Gomez.
Unpacking #ReCongress Part Two: Mark Hart
Yesterday, I shared a bit about the overall experience of getting to and being at Congress. With this post, I’ll begin sharing some of the special moments of the past few days and will invite you to “dig deeper” for more resources that will help you take in Congress. Our first talk was scheduled for the second period on Friday, so Sarah and I agreed that after the Opening Ceremony (which you can view here) we would spend time prepping in the wonderful Speakers’ Lounge at the Convention Center … [Read More…]
LA archbishop blesses immigration reform advocates going to Vatican
Los Angeles, Calif., Mar 18, 2014 / 06:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles gave his blessing Sunday to a group of children and immigration reform advocates who are traveling to Rome to ask Pope Francis for his help and benediction.
LA archbishop blesses immigration reform advocates going to Vatican
Los Angeles, Calif., Mar 18, 2014 / 06:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles gave his blessing Sunday to a group of children and immigration reform advocates who are traveling to Rome to ask Pope Francis for his help and benediction.
Arzobispo bendice a los inmigrantes antes de su viaje al Vaticano
El grupo de cerca de 20 personas, que se unirá a otras comitivas de diferentes partes del país, espera lograr una audiencia con el papa el 26 de marzo, un día antes de que el pontífice sostenga una reunión con el presidente Obama.
LOS ÁNGELES.- Un grupo de inmigrantes que viajará al Vaticano para pedir al papa Francisco que interceda por la reforma migratoria recibió ayer una bendición por parte del arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José Gómez, durante la clausura del Congreso Internacional de Educación Religiosa, celebrado en Anaheim.