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  • Parish Groups From Across SoCal Attend Special Mass for Immigrants
    July 21, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    Parish groups from LA, Orange and San Bernardino counties attend mass at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to celebrating immigrant heritage. Kim Baldonado reports from downtown Los Angeles for the NBC4 News at 6 on Sunday, July 20, 2014.

  • Catedral de Los Ángeles celebra misa para apoyar a niños migrantes
    July 21, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    La arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles y las diócesis de Orange y San Bernardino, se reunieron en la Catedral de Los Ángeles para celebrar una misa y pedir apoyo para los niños migrantes que cruzan la frontera sin acompañantes.

  • Do we have hearts that are ready for the Gospel?
    July 16, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    Archbishop Gomez is on vacation this week. The following is adapted from his homily last Sunday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. His column will return next week.

    The passage from the Gospel that we heard this morning is the “parable of the sower,” a parable that we know well.

    As we know, the “sower” is a farmer who is going out to plant seeds. And as we heard, some of his seeds fell on the pathway that he is walking on. Some of it fell on ground that was filled with rocks and some more of it got tangled up in thorns. And finally, some of the seed fell on good soil and was able to grow.

  • Knights of Columbus pledge $1.4 million for Special Olympics
    July 15, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    Los Angeles, Calif., Jul 15, 2014 / 02:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Knights of Columbus have pledged $1.4 million for next year’s Special Olympics World Games, helping to cover participating athletes’ expenses for the Los Angeles event.

  • Misa en reconocimiento de los inmigrantes
    July 15, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles celebrará una misa especial en reconocimiento a todos los inmigrantes y en apoyo a una reforma migratoria integral que sea justa y compasiva. Las autoridades dijeron que invitan a todos a unirse a la oficina de Vida, Justicia y Paz en reconocimiento a todos aquellos que han llegado a esta nuestra hermosa tierra en busca de una vida mejor. –

  • Raise the Woof!
    July 15, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES – The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels went to the dogs last week. Fortunately, some of their humans showed up too. The occasion was the eighth annual Dog Day Afternoon, a community-building event organized by the Cathedral and the Downtown Center Business Improvement District. The happening on Wednesday, July 9, brought out about 1,000 pets and 1,200 members of the two-legged set. The event included the handing out of the Best Buddy Award to an LAPD K-9 unit.

  • Knights of Columbus Pledges $1.4 Million for Special Olympics World Games in L.A.
    July 14, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    LOS ANGELES — The Knights of Columbus formally announced a donation to cover the costs of athletes from the United States and Canada during their time in Los Angeles as they participate in next year’s Special Olympics World Games.

  • Archbishop: Government frustrates pastoral care for child migrants
    July 11, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    U.S. authorities are working poorly with Catholic efforts to provide pastoral care to underage immigrants detained near Los Angeles, the city’s archbishop, Jose Gomez, wrote on Thursday.

    “Our Church has been trying to respond to this situation in a spirit of cooperation and generosity,” Archbishop Gomez said in his July 10 column at The Tidings.

  • A time for tenderness and hospitality
    July 9, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    The immigration “issue” is not going away because immigration is more than a political issue. Every day we hear new stories of personal tragedy and families who are suffering because of our broken immigration system.

  • Immigration reform issue brings about local, regional action
    July 9, 2014  |  The Latest  |  

    The battle for comprehensive immigration reform took on a more urgent and in some cases heated tone in recent days with several rallies and assemblies drawing support and opposition.