Ministering to the Gangs of Los Angeles
The Church is making strides to reduce gang violence, but more effort is needed to make parishes an effective presence and voice for peace on …
Gobernador Brown promete ayuda de California a niños migrantes
MÉXICO ― El gobernador de California Jerry Brown se comprometió ayer ante obispos y diplomáticos centroamericanos y el arzobispo de Los Ángeles José Gómez a hacer todo lo que esté en sus manos para ayudar a resolver la crisis de los niños migrantes no acompañados.
Venice Beach lightning storm victim was electrocuted, coroner says
A 20-year-old man who died after a freak lightning storm hit while he was in the water at Venice Beach was electrocuted, the Los Angeles County coroner said.
Nick Fagnano, of Los Angeles, was pronounced dead late Sunday afternoon, not long after he was pulled out of the water as thousands of beachgoers scattered for cover.
Praying for the world
As we look around the world during these summer months, we see that there is a lot for us to pray about.
Close to home, of course, we’ve been praying and working to address the humanitarian emergency caused by the thousands of undocumented children crossing our borders from Central America.
‘You gave your children good ground for hope’
The following is adapted from the archbishop’s homily at the annual Mass in Recognition of Immigrants July 20, after which thousands lined up, inside and outside of Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, to venerate the traveling relic of Santo Toribio Romo.
Priestly formation and the new evangelization: Assessing candidates for the priesthood
Something good is happening in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the area of priestly vocations. In the Office of Vocations, we are continually receiving inquiries via telephone, email and social media from young men (and sometimes not so young men) every day. There is great reason to be optimistic and hopeful.
Do we have hearts that are ready for the Gospel?
The passage from the Gospel that we heard this morning is the “parable of the sower,” a parable that we know well.
Miles de católicos rezan por los inmigrantes
Líderes religiosos se unieron para reconocer las contribuciones que hacen a la comunidad
Thousands Gather at L.A. Cathedral to Pray for Immigrants
Nearly 5,000 parishioners gathered Sunday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles for a Mass “in recognition of immigrants.”
NCLR aborda la influencia de la mujer hispana en segunda fecha de conferencia
El Consejo Nacional de la Raza (NCLR, por su sigla en inglés) abordó en la segunda jornada de su convención anual la creciente influencia de la mujer hispana en el mundo empresarial y las comunicaciones.