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  • Our daily bread
    May 5, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    May is Mary’s Month. It is a new moment in the springtime of the year when we reflect on the love that our Blessed Mother showed to us in bringing Jesus into the world.

  • Court rules against real estate mogul who pressured nuns with ‘bad deal’
    May 3, 2016  |  The Latest, Waverly  |  

    L.A. County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Bowick ruled April 13 that the contested sale of the former convent of the Immaculate Heart of Mary religious sisters to urban developer Dana Hollister is invalid. Bowick entered an order May 2 affirming the sisters as the rightful owner of the Waverly Drive property and ordering Hollister to immediately vacate the premises.

  • Praying for holiness and the kingdom
    April 27, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    The Church’s saints have always recognized that the Lord’s Prayer is a summary of his whole Gospel. And each word and phrase in the prayer is a rich source for us to contemplate and reflect on.

  • Praying as children
    April 20, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    We have so much to pray for in our lives and in our troubled world.

  • Reflections on ‘The Joy of Love’
    April 13, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    Pope Francis has asked us to read his new apostolic exhortation on marriage and the family slowly and patiently. And I have been trying to do that since it was published late last week.

  • Praying the Our Father
    April 6, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    We are still living in the beautiful and joyful light of Easter! And I want to return in my column to the theme of prayer that I introduced during Lent.

  • In this time of Easter
    March 31, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    I hope that you and your loved ones and families had a blessed Easter. I shared Easter here with my family and it was a beautiful time.

  • Holy Week and the Supreme Court
    March 16, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    We are preparing to enter into the most sacred days in the Church’s calendar — Holy Week, the week of our salvation.

  • Stopping the Christian ‘genocide’
    March 8, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    The story of Christianity is written in the blood of martyrs.

    It is always striking to me that on the day after the joyous feast of Christmas, the Church’s liturgy remembers the first martyr, the deacon St. Stephen. And nearly every week throughout the year, our liturgy remembers the witness of someone who has shed his blood or her blood for following Jesus.

  • Where God’s desire meets our own
    March 2, 2016  |  The Latest  |  

    I was inspired to see so many of you at our Religious Education Congress this weekend.