Priests of the pandemic generation
This is a beautiful day in the life of the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
The priesthood is so important, not only for the Church, but also for the whole world. Every priest is a sign of God’s love, a sign that he is still working in the world, still carrying out his plan of redemption.
Catholic schools plan in-person classes, in contrast to public schools
It has been a busy summer for Robert Chevrier.
Chevrier is the principal of St. Joseph School which serves about 210 students from preschool through eighth grade in this Boston suburb.
New LA priests: Thomas Park
In these times of exceptional uncertainty, parishioners of St. John Fisher Church in Rancho Palos Verdes will likely count their blessings they’re being ministered to by Thomas Park, a man who knows firsthand how quickly life can turn, no matter your plans, no matter your age.
Catholic school superintendent: ‘Our kids need to go back to school’
Bishops and school superintendents across the US are emphasizing the importance of in-person education for the coming fall term, and are seeking to reassure parents that schools are taking the precautions necessary to keep children safe.
US bishops urge Trump to reinstate DACA
The Department of Homeland Security had announced on Wednesday that it would still consider ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows certain immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to apply for a delay of deportation, where they could also receive a work authorization, despite a recent decision by the Supreme Court.
Catholic Schools Are Worth Saving
Late last month, the U.S. Supreme Court corrected an historic injustice, rooted in anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic bigotry, that, for more than 100 years, has denied students in religious schools the same opportunities as government-school students.
Missionary disciples in a pandemic Church
On Aug. 8, I will ordain eight new priests for the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Catholic schools weigh in-person learning as fall semester approaches
As school districts around the country are considering in-person or virtual education in the fall, Catholic dioceses are weighing tough decisions about how to serve their students.
No answers yet in ongoing investigation into San Gabriel Mission fire
The cause of the fire that tore through the San Gabriel Mission on a recent early morning remains under investigation, city of San Gabriel officials say, and no arrest has been made in the case despite media reports.
El Papa Francisco declara la Misión de San Buenaventura como Basílica
La Misión Basílica de San Buenaventura se convierte en la sexta Basílica Menor del Estado de California, y la número 88 de los Estados Unidos. “Esta noticia levanta nuestros espíritus y corazones para alabar a Dios y afirmar la historia y la evangelización que San Junípero Serra trajo a la Alta California, dijo el párroco de la ahora basílica menor.