Pope Asks For Fasting For Peace on Ash Wednesday
Today is Ash Wednesday, which this year is not only the start of the 40-day season of Lent, but also a day of fasting for peace as declared by Pope Francis.
Pope asks for fasting for peace on Ash Wednesday
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which this year is not only the start of the 40-day season of Lent, but also a day of fasting for peace as declared by Pope Francis.
Pope Asks For Fasting For Peace On Ash Wednesday
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which this year is not only the start of the 40-day season of Lent, but also a day of fasting for peace as declared by Pope Francis.
Photos: Ash Wednesday celebrated at Whittier’s St. Bruno Catholic Church
Ash Wednesday returned to Southern California on March 2, and with the gradual easing of COVID-era mandates, most churches were offering indoor services this year — though many were continuing to stage outdoor ceremonies, and most continue to air Mass via livestream for higher-risk worshipers.
Miércoles de Ceniza: los protocolos por covid-19 en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles
Los feligreses que vayan a asistir este miércoles a la Placita Olvera para celebrar el inicio de la Cuaresma deben saber que es recomendable usar mascarillas al interior del templo. El padre Arturo Corral afirma que se van a utilizar hisopos para la imposición de la ceniza. Por otra parte, te contamos cuáles son los horarios de las misas y los distintos servicios que se ofrecerán allí este día.
VI Congreso de la Pastoral Hispana en los Estados Unidos
Por sexta vez se reunirá en la capital estadounidense el congreso Raíces y Alas, organizado por el Consejo Católico Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano (NCCHM por sus siglas en inglés), que nuclea a las principales instituciones pastorales hispanas de los Estados Unidos, e incluye a diócesis, movimientos apostólicos, comunidades religiosas, editoriales católicas, e instituciones educativas, según informó Enrique Soros, responsable de prensa del Congreso Raíces y Alas.
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles crea página de recursos litúrgicos durante la Cuaresma
La Arquidiócesis ha creado una nueva página en su sitio web para proporcionar a los fieles reflexiones, oraciones y recursos diarios de Cuaresma para la limosna y el servicio.
The friendly wager between Jose H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati over the Super Bowl was a big win for students in both archdioceses. More than $22,000 was raised for tuition assistance scholarships for students.
Archbishop shares pastries with students for Fat Tuesday at Dayton school
The Archbishop of Cincinnati visited Our Lady of the Rosary School in Old North Dayton Tuesday morning to share treats sent from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles from a friendly bet between the two bishops over the Super Bowl.
The Synod on Synodality: What Every Catholic Should Know
Pope Francis’ Synod of Bishops focuses on the meaning and purpose of synodality itself. Launched in October 2021, it was designed to draw local Catholics and national bishops’ conferences, religious orders and curial officials into an extended period of consultation and discernment that will culminate with an October 2023 assembly in Rome.