¡No más guerra! claman inmigrantes durante viacrucis de la iglesia de la Placita Olvera
Un alto a la guerra Ucrania-Rusia, alivio migratorio, no a la explotación sexual, al racismo, sanación a la pandemia de covid y fin al desamparo fueron algunas de las plegarias que los participantes expresaron durante la escenificación del viacrucis en la iglesia Nuestra Señora La Reina de Los Ángeles de la Placita Olvera, el viernes santo.
Christians to Observe Good Friday
Today is Good Friday, when Christians solemnly commemorate the day when Jesus suffered and died on the cross.
성 금요일 특별미사
부활절을 이틀 앞둔 15일 성금요일을 맞아 LA 다운타운에 있는 ‘천사들의 모후 성당(the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels)’에서는 십자가의 길 기도와 주님 수난 예식이 진행됐다. 성금요일은 예수의 수난과 죽음을 기념하는 날로 신자들은 단식과 금욕을 통해 그 의미를 되새긴다. LA대교주 호세 오라시오 고메즈 대주교와 사제단이 심자가를 제단에 세우고 있다. 김상진 기자
California elabora una preciosa alfombra de Semana Santa de 25 metros por Ucrania
La globalización nos une en todo. También en estos momentos de preocupación por la invasión rusa de Ucrania. Sus consecuencias se comienzan a notar en muchas partes del mundo.
Foot Washing to Return to Cathedral’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper
The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Thursday evening at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, including the traditional washing of the feet of 12 faithful, which was canceled the past two years because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Vuelve la Bendición de los Animales en la Calle Olvera
Es probable que así sea, ya que nuestros gatos, perros y adorables criaturas parecen volverse más cariñosos cuando les hablamos en voz baja y les decimos palabras amables y cariñosas, palabras que siempre están llenas de emoción y conexión afectuosa.
This Easter, discern a common good based on racial justice
As I paced up and down the aisles of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles on a quiet, gray January morning, I found myself transfixed by artist John Nava’s tapestries. Pausing and pointing out my favorite saints to my friend, the presence of the people of God felt palpable, even as we were basically alone in the cathedral.
Exhibit at Santa Barbara Mission Explores Climate Change
The human impact on the natural environment will be integrated into exhibits throughout the Museum at Old Mission Santa Barbara (OMSB) for a new exhibit Caring for Our Common Home, which opens on Earth Day, April 22 and runs through Sept. 5.
Mark Woods: Father Boyle tells Jacksonville about hope’s role in preventing gang violence
Father Gregory Boyle, a Jesuit priest from Los Angeles, came to Jacksonville last week to speak about the largest gang-intervention program in the world.
Olvera Street’s Blessing of the Animals Is Back
You likely do so, for our cats, dogs, and cute critters seem to grow more cuddlesome when we speak softly to them, and say kind and loving words, words that are always full of emotion and kind-hearted connection.