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  • Diocese of Los Angeles welcomes faith leaders participating in Summit of the Americas
    June 9, 2022  |  In The News  |  

    Forum participants from across the hemisphere held a two-day conference at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to engage faith-based perspectives on political, economic, immigration, climate and public health challenges, among other issues central to the international Summit of the Americas, opened June 8 in Los Angeles by President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden.

  • A 20 años de la Carta para la Protección de la Infancia y la Juventud en la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos
    June 9, 2022  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    ste mes de junio se cumplen veinte años desde que los obispos católicos de Estados Unidos se reunieron en Dallas (Texas) para redactar y aprobar la Carta para la protección de los niños y los jóvenes, en su compromiso de abordar el problema de los abusos sexuales del clero. Para conmemorar este momento, el arzobispo José Gómez, de Los Ángeles, presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de Estados Unidos (USCCB), hizo una declaración.

  • Ordinations ’22: How Seminaries Prepared the New Class of Priests
    June 7, 2022  |  In The News  |  

    The men ordained to the priesthood this spring and summer have distinct backgrounds and journeys to the sacrament of holy orders, but they share a fervent desire for evangelization, said Father John Kartje, rector of Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois.

  • A Step in the ‘Right Direction’: Latinos Make Up Record Share of New US Priests
    June 6, 2022  |  In The News  |  

    Among the men being ordained to the priesthood this year in the United States, 22% are Latinos — the highest recorded percentage of any given year.

  • Santacruzan 2022 A Celebration And Prayer For Peace
    June 4, 2022  |  In The News  |  

    The 17th Annual Santacruzan-May Crowning was recently held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels on May 14, 2022, a celebratory Filipino Marian tradition that encompasses more than 222 years after the Spaniards landed in the Islands to colonize and spread Christianity. The Holy Cross became symbolic and focused on the youth and the devotion to emulate the Blessed Virgin Mary. The theme for this year is Holy Mary, Queen of Peace as we asked for her intercession in praying for peace in the world especially Russia and Ukraine.

  • US State and Church leaders push for better gun-control measures
    June 3, 2022  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    As mass shootings in the United States since the start of 2022 exceed 200, the United States President and the country’s Catholic Bishops call for better gun-safety measures as a gun bill is being considered in Congress. Pope Francis has condemned the mass shootings and the indiscriminate trafficking of arms.

  • EE.UU.: Estado e Iglesia presionan para mejorar las medidas de control de armas
    June 3, 2022  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Mientras los tiroteos masivos en Estados Unidos desde el inicio de 2022 superan los 200, el presidente de Estados Unidos y los obispos católicos del país piden mejores medidas de seguridad de armas mientras se estudia un proyecto de ley de armas en el Congreso. El Papa Francisco ha condenado los tiroteos masivos y el tráfico indiscriminado de armas.

  • Bishop Barron says intersection of faith, science important part of new ministry
    June 3, 2022  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    When Bishop Robert Barron woke up at his usual 5 a.m. on June 2, and realized it was the day of his appointment to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, he said he got down on his knees and asked the Lord to “please make [him] a good shepherd to the people of this diocese.”

  • Who Is Bishop Robert Barron? Get to Know Pope Francis’ New Lead for Minnesota Diocese
    June 3, 2022  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    The pontiff has appointed a well-known bishop to lead the Minnesota diocese.

    Following Pope Francis’ acceptance of the resignation of Bishop John M. Quinn of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, the pontiff has appointed Bishop Robert E. Barron of Los Angeles to lead the Minnesota Diocese. Bishop Quinn, who led the Minnesota Diocese for 13 years, is now 76 and by canon law, bishops must hand in their resignation as soon as they hit 75 years of age.

  • Benedictine Prize for Excellence goes to Bishop Barron
    June 3, 2022  |  In The News  |  

    Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, was the recipient of the inaugural Prize for Excellence in Theology and the Arts at Benedictine College in Atchison on May 13. The award, presented by the college’s Center for Beauty and Culture and its director Dr. Denis McNamara, recognized Bishop Barron’s work to express the beauty of Catholic truths.