The Coming Eucharistic Revival
In ecclesiastical circles, it is sometimes said that bishops will always find something to fight about — perhaps that’s why they call each other “brother bishops.” In November 2021, America’s conference of bishops proved the maxim true, this time wrangling over their document on Eucharistic coherence, “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church.”
LA County elates in Easter’s renewal with religious services, egg hunts and help for homeless
With the holiest day on the Christian calendar free of COVID-era restrictions, congregations around Los Angeles County headed out on Sunday, April 9, to beaches, parks, cemeteries, courtyards — and, oh yes, inside churches, too — to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Other traditions, including community egg hunts and family gatherings, were plentiful, too, amid mild springtime weather.
Easter services and celebrations held from beaches to downtown
Easter was marked Sunday in Los Angeles County not only by Masses and services in churches, but also by sunrise services at beaches and Forest Lawn cemeteries and The Midnight Mission’s traditional celebration.
Easter celebrations get underway in Southern California
Easter Sunday services are underway in much of Southern California, marked by sunrise Masses and free meals for homeless individuals.
Why one version of Virgin Mary has become a symbol of protection for millions
As Easter approaches, millions find comfort and protection in the Virgin of Guadalupe, a version of the Virgin Mary. Michelle Miller reports on the people working to keep this image in the public eye.
Bendición de los animales en la Placita Olvera
El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José Gómez, atiende a los animales durante la Bendición de los Animales en la Placita Olvera Street el sábado 8 de abril de 2023. (Foto de James Carbone/ Los Angeles Times en Español)
Easter Blessing of the Animals
A devote and her pet dog passes a poster of San Antonio Abad the patron saint of animals as Archbishop Jose H. Gomez tosses holy water toward her at the traditional blessing of animals ceremony at Placita Olvera in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, April 8, 2023.
Blessing of the Animals held Saturday
Pet owners lined up for the annual Blessing of the Animals on Saturday on Olvera Street.
During sacred week for LA Catholics, community embraces memories of Bishop David O’Connell
Alondra Ruiz had only spoken with the late Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell a handful of times, but like nearly all who met him, in that brief time she felt his care and dedication just through his presence.
LA County’s Christians commemorate Good Friday with Stations of the Cross, solemn liturgy
Before Jesus could rise, he first had to die.
And ever since, Christians the world over, including across Los Angeles County, have marked the day Jesus suffered and died on the cross — known as Good Friday — with solemnity and penance. They also observe the Stations of the Cross.