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  • COMUNIDAD: Clérigos continúan la presión por una reforma migratoria
    April 4, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    LOS ÁNGELES – Gabriela Pérez sufre de espina bífida, una malformación congénita en la que existe un cierre incompleto del tubo neural desde los primeros meses de vida. Hoy tiene 21 años y se moviliza en una silla de ruedas, pero aún así, con sus padres y hermanos lucha por una reforma migratoria junto con clérigos de distintas denominaciones.

  • Muslim, Jewish leaders join Archbishop on immigration reform
    April 4, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    For Catholic Angelenos, the setting for the prayer vigil was a familiar one — the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

    But the man speaking from the pulpit was a new face.

    “When people ask me as a Jew, why I care about comprehensive immigration reform, I answer because it is in our Jewish DNA,” said Rabbi Mark Diamond.

  • Immigration and the Catholic Church
    April 2, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The Catholic Church in the United States has been closely involved on issues related to immigration for over two hundred years. This video highlights the efforts that the Church has undertaken in the past and continues to do so in the present. Advocating on behalf of immigrant communities and providing pastoral support is central to the Church’s work. For more information regarding what the Church is doing today, please visit the Migration and Refugee Services website:

  • LA’s little ‘ambassador’ to Pope recalls encounter
    April 1, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Vatican City, Apr 1, 2014 / 04:00 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Jersey Vargas, the 10 year old daughter of undocumented immigrants who traveled from Los Angeles to the Vatican to ask the Pope’s help for herself and children like her, said she is thrilled to have met him.

  • Daddy’s home: 10-year-old Jersey’s prayers have been answered
    March 31, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Ten-year-old Jersey Vargas’ prayers have been answered. She was reunited with her father, Mario, March 29 at Los Angeles International Airport.

    Mario, an undocumented immigrant detained driving without a license, was released after six months in federal custody March 28 in Louisiana. Jersey took part in a letter-writing campaign asking for Pope Francis to help families like hers who’ve been separated because of immigration status.

  • Mary Ann Walsh: Immigration poicy becomes U.S. disgrace
    March 31, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The saga of immigrants in 2014 may go down in history as a blight on America. Tragedies abound, from thousands who have died trying to cross the desert from impoverished Mexican towns, to little children born here and fighting for their parents to remain in the country with them. The government is setting records separating families, approaching 2 million deportations in the past five years.

  • Pope moved by little girl’s defence of immigrants ahead of Obama visit
    March 29, 2014  |  In The News, The Latest  |  

    A little Mexican girl sends out an appeal to the Pope ahead of tomorrow’s meeting with US President Barack Obama: Meeting Francis “was a blessing for immigrants. It is something we consider very important to our cause”

  • Prayers answered: Jersey’s undocumented father released from custody
    March 28, 2014  |  In The News, The Latest  |  

    Ten-year-old Jersey Vargas’ prayers have been answered. Her father, Mario, an undocumented immigrant detained for a vehicle code violation, was released from federal custody this afternoon in Louisiana.

  • Panorama City girl, 10, delivers immigration message to Pope Francis
    March 28, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Pope Francis met with two Americans on Thursday — one the leader of the free world, the other a 10-year-old girl from Panorama City.

    Before Francis received President Obama at the Vatican, young Jersey Vargas delivered letters from children of undocumented immigrants, asking that the two leaders discuss immigration reform. Jersey’s own father, who arrived in the U.S. at age 16, was caught driving without a valid license and is now facing deportation, KTLA-TV reported.

  • Prayer answered: Girl, 10, goes to Vatican and meets Pope Francis
    March 28, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    (CNN) — The 10-year-old American girl went to the Vatican on a prayer of maybe, just maybe, meeting the Pope this week to deliver an important message.

    Her prayer was answered, against all odds.