Arzobispo de LA celebra legado de César Chávez con misa en español
El arzobispo de Los Ángeles celebró hoy una misa en español en la catedral de la ciudad para honrar el legado del líder campesino César Chávez, durante un oficio que contó con la presencia de algunos de sus familiares y de representantes de los trabajadores agrícolas.
En la misa, a la que asistió Paul Chávez, hijo del histórico líder, el arzobispo José Gómez destacó el compromiso de Chávez “con la lucha por la justicia y dignidad de todos los trabajadores”.
Cesar Chavez’s family to attend Mass to celebrate his life
The family of Cesar Chavez will attend an annual Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Sunday to celebrate the life and work of the late labor leader.
The Mass, now in its 14th year, will be celebrated beginning at 12:30 p.m. and led by Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. Chavez’s son, Paul Chavez, and Arturo Rodriguez, the president of the United Farm Workers union founded by Chavez, are scheduled to speak at the close of the celebration.
The family of Cesar Chavez will attend an annual Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Sunday to celebrate the life and work of the late labor leader.
The Mass, now in its 14th year, will be celebrated beginning at 12:30 p.m. and led by Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. Chavez’s son, Paul Chavez, and Arturo Rodriguez, the president of the United Farm Workers union founded by Chavez, are scheduled to speak at the close of the celebration.
Familia aboga por la reforma migratoria con su caso
Cuando a Claudia Pérez le informaron que a su hija de 2 años le quedaba un año de vida, no dudó en enfrentar los peligros para cruzar la frontera y salvar a la niña.
“Estoy agradecida por esta gran nación, porque me ha dado lo que mi país no me dio”, dijo Pérez, durante la Vigilia Ecuménica que reunió ayer, en la Catedral de Nuestras Señora de Los Ángeles, a líderes religiosos de diferentes denominaciones para orar y pedir por una reforma migratoria. -
Immigrants need mercy, justice, religious leaders at L.A. vigil say
Several of Southern California’s most prominent religious leaders gathered in downtown Los Angeles early Friday in a vigil for immigration reform, underscoring a growing interfaith effort to change the nation’s immigration laws.
Several of Southern California’s most prominent religious leaders gathered in downtown Los Angeles early Friday in a vigil for immigration reform, underscoring a growing interfaith effort to change the nation’s immigration laws.
Local religious leaders unite for change in immigration law
Several of Southern California’s most prominent religious leaders held a vigil for immigration reform in downtown Los Angeles on Friday, underscoring a growing interfaith effort to change the nation’s laws.
Immigrants who are in the United States illegally “need mercy and they need justice,” said Archbishop Jose Gomez, welcoming an array of Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders to the gathering at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
COMUNIDAD: Clérigos continúan la presión por una reforma migratoria
LOS ÁNGELES – Gabriela Pérez sufre de espina bífida, una malformación congénita en la que existe un cierre incompleto del tubo neural desde los primeros meses de vida. Hoy tiene 21 años y se moviliza en una silla de ruedas, pero aún así, con sus padres y hermanos lucha por una reforma migratoria junto con clérigos de distintas denominaciones.
Muslim, Jewish leaders join Archbishop on immigration reform
For Catholic Angelenos, the setting for the prayer vigil was a familiar one — the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
But the man speaking from the pulpit was a new face.
“When people ask me as a Jew, why I care about comprehensive immigration reform, I answer because it is in our Jewish DNA,” said Rabbi Mark Diamond.
Immigration and the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church in the United States has been closely involved on issues related to immigration for over two hundred years. This video highlights the efforts that the Church has undertaken in the past and continues to do so in the present. Advocating on behalf of immigrant communities and providing pastoral support is central to the Church’s work. For more information regarding what the Church is doing today, please visit the Migration and Refugee Services website: http://www.usccb.org/about/migration-..
LA’s little ‘ambassador’ to Pope recalls encounter
Vatican City, Apr 1, 2014 / 04:00 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Jersey Vargas, the 10 year old daughter of undocumented immigrants who traveled from Los Angeles to the Vatican to ask the Pope’s help for herself and children like her, said she is thrilled to have met him.
Daddy’s home: 10-year-old Jersey’s prayers have been answered
Ten-year-old Jersey Vargas’ prayers have been answered. She was reunited with her father, Mario, March 29 at Los Angeles International Airport.
Mario, an undocumented immigrant detained driving without a license, was released after six months in federal custody March 28 in Louisiana. Jersey took part in a letter-writing campaign asking for Pope Francis to help families like hers who’ve been separated because of immigration status.