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  • St. Joseph student and teacher receive service awards
    March 26, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    St. Joseph High School senior Alexis Laggren and Regine Donner, a St. Joseph French Teacher, were honored with Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Awards in a special Mass on March 18 at St. Basil’s Church in Los Angeles.

    Every year the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Department of Catholic Schools recognizes outstanding high school seniors who work to bring about change in their local communities, cities, and society at large, as well as teachers who also deserve recognition as an example of service to their local communities and to their students.

  • Young advocate seeks pope’s aid on immigration
    March 22, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    A 10-year-old student from Noble Avenue Elementary School in North Hills visited the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels last week on a diplomatic mission.

    Jersey Vargas, a fourth-grader, was about to leave for Rome and a possible visit with Pope Francis, but first she wanted to ask Archbishop Jose H. Gomez for his blessing and his help. Jersey said she hoped the archbishop will “help my Dad out, so he can be with me and my family, and we won’t be separated ever again.”

  • Unpacking #ReCongress Part Two: Mark Hart
    March 19, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Yesterday, I shared a bit about the overall experience of getting to and being at Congress. With this post, I’ll begin sharing some of the special moments of the past few days and will invite you to “dig deeper” for more resources that will help you take in Congress. Our first talk was scheduled for the second period on Friday, so Sarah and I agreed that after the Opening Ceremony (which you can view here) we would spend time prepping in the wonderful Speakers’ Lounge at the Convention Center … [Read More…]

  • LA archbishop blesses immigration reform advocates going to Vatican
    March 18, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Los Angeles, Calif., Mar 18, 2014 / 06:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles gave his blessing Sunday to a group of children and immigration reform advocates who are traveling to Rome to ask Pope Francis for his help and benediction.

  • LA archbishop blesses immigration reform advocates going to Vatican
    March 18, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Los Angeles, Calif., Mar 18, 2014 / 06:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles gave his blessing Sunday to a group of children and immigration reform advocates who are traveling to Rome to ask Pope Francis for his help and benediction.

  • Arzobispo bendice a los inmigrantes antes de su viaje al Vaticano
    March 17, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    El grupo de cerca de 20 personas, que se unirá a otras comitivas de diferentes partes del país, espera lograr una audiencia con el papa el 26 de marzo, un día antes de que el pontífice sostenga una reunión con el presidente Obama.

    LOS ÁNGELES.- Un grupo de inmigrantes que viajará al Vaticano para pedir al papa Francisco que interceda por la reforma migratoria recibió ayer una bendición por parte del arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José Gómez, durante la clausura del Congreso Internacional de Educación Religiosa, celebrado en Anaheim.

  • Immigrants Plan Trip To Vatican To Seek Pope’s Support For Immigration Reform
    March 17, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    A coalition of activists who want U.S. laws changed to provide a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants is traveling to Rome Friday, hoping to meet with Pope Francis and enlist his help in their cause.

  • Thousands Flock to Anaheim for Massive Catholic Gathering
    March 16, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Thousands Flock to Anaheim for Massive Catholic Gathering
    Tens of thousands of people from across the country and other parts of the world were expected in Anaheim this weekend to attend the largest annual gathering of Catholics, the Religious Education Congress. Jane Yamamoto reports from Anaheim for the NBC4 News at 6 on Sunday, March 16, 2014.

  • L.A. archbishop gives blessing to group headed to Vatican
    March 16, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    ANAHEIM – The way 10-year-old Jersey Vargas sees it, the pope is the closest person to God.
    “I believe he can make a wish for us,” said the petite fourth-grader, the daughter of undocumented immigrants who will be traveling to Rome on Friday to personally deliver a message to Pope Francis from her and other children whose parents face deportation.
    Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez gave the San Fernando Valley student and others traveling with her his blessing, asking God to “give them the courage … as they stand with the poor in their struggle for dignity and justice. … And guide us to reform our immigration policies; that our country may live up to its spiritual promises of liberty and justice for all.”

  • Cantwell-Sacred Heart students compete in Academic Decathlon
    March 14, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    MONTEBELLO — Competing for the second time in the Southern California Private Schools Academic Decathlon, Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary students won 46 individual and team medals last month, 16 of them gold.