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  • Vietnamese Immigration Bolsters Church in Western United States
    June 30, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    LOS ANGELES — Forty years ago, a transformation of the Catholic Church began in the western United States, as large numbers of Vietnamese refugees fleeing communism came to America.

  • Mary Health of the Sick celebrates 50th anniversary
    June 26, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    When Betty Mosler could no longer care for herself after living in her own home for many years, she considered long-term care at Mary Health of the Sick, a nonprofit that serves individuals in their last stages of life.

  • Viajará a México enviado del Papa para seminario sobre migración
    June 23, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    El ‘número dos’ del Vaticano, el cardenal secretario de Estado Pietro Parolin, viajará a México a mediados del mes de julio para participar en un congreso internacional sobre migración.

  • Catholic Conference responds to state budget
    June 20, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The budget Gov. Jerry Brown received this week was “sober” but not “good,” according to Edward Dolejesi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference.

    “It pays the bills, it provides money for more effective public safety and human service programs at the local level, and there’s some money left over for a rainy day,” Dolejsi noted. “But for a small, incremental investment, it could have been so much more.”

  • The mission of a deacon couple
    June 20, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    As an 18-year-old youth in his native El Salvador, Leonel Yoque faced a potentially life-and-death decision in 1989. With his country in civil war between leftist guerrillas and the rightist government, his university was shut down and his options were limited.

  • Children’s right to a quality education fuels ruling on teacher tenure: Guest commentary
    June 18, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    As chair of the California Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Education, I am greatly encouraged by the June 10 ruling of Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu. In his decision, Judge Treu found that the teacher tenure system and employment practices in California are both unconstitutional and discriminatory against students in schools serving lower-income communities.

  • Campeones sin cancha
    June 12, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Al calor de un partido de futbol en la primaria católica Santo Toribio alguien patea con fuerza el balón y lo manda a los autos que circulan en la avenida Central. Pudo ser peor: a un costado hay rollos de filosos alambres de púas y el juego habría terminado de inmediato.

  • No Hay Donde Jugar
    June 12, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Un grupo de niños de familia de bajos recursos

    que pertenecen a una escuela primaria en el sur centro de los angeles ha logrado ganar campeonatos de futbol y lo unico que piden

    es tener por lo menos una cancha donde


  • New president tapped for seminary
    June 12, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has appointed Monsignor Marc Trudeau to lead St. John’s Seminary as it continues its 75- year mission to educate and train Catholic priests from around the world for a vocation of serving the church.

  • Niños de bajos recursos reciben libros para estimular lectura en verano
    June 11, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Los Ángeles, 11 jun (EFEUSA).- Cientos de estudiantes de preescolar y primer grado de familias de bajos recursos participaron hoy en una feria de lectura donde recibieron gratuitamente libros para estimularlos a leer durante las vacaciones.