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  • Reciben a Santo Toribio a lo grande
    July 8, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    LOS ÁNGELES (California) – La peregrinación de la reliquia del Santo Toribio, el santo querido de los inmigrantes, incluirá seis diferentes parroquias del sur de California.

  • Llega a LA reliquia de Santo Toribio
    July 8, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Un hueso del tobillo izquierdo de Santo Toribio, patrono de los migrantes, arribó ayer a Los Ángeles y visitará varias iglesias de la región en las próximas semanas.

    La reliquia se encuentra se encuentra desde ayer, y hasta el miércoles, en la iglesia San Marcelino, ubicada en el 2349 de la avenida Strong en la ciudad de Commerce.

  • A falta de una refoma migratoria, Santo Toribio llega al rescate de la comunidad
    July 8, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    A los 17 años de edad, Pablo Magaña se esconde detrás de un matorral y aprieta contra su pecho un escapulario de Santo Toribio mientras observa cómo sus tres amigos de la infancia son detenidos por la patrulla fronteriza, en San Diego.

    “Yo sé que el santo me ayudó a cruzar hace 25 años. Si no hubiera sido por él, yo no estuviera aquí”, dice Magaña, de Jalisco, México.

  • Members of St. Marcellinus parish carry the relic of Saint Toribio Romo
    July 7, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Members of St. Marcellinus parish carry the relic of Saint Toribio Romo Gonzalez, the saint of immigrants and border crossers, during a procession on the first day of a Southern California tour of the relic in Commerce, California July 7, 2014. The relic, an ankle bone from Santo Toribio encased in a small statue, was lent to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles by the saint’s home chapel in Jalisco, Mexico. REUTERS/Jonathan Alcorn (UNITED STATES – Tags: SOCIETY IMMIGRATION POLITICS RELIGION)

  • Noticias 62- Santo toribio
    July 7, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Santo toribio

  • BOYS BASKETBALL: St. Genevieve is a small-school on the rise
    July 3, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Former Granada Hills coach Sean Collyer has done a great job turning around a once down trodden St. Genevieve boys basketball program and next year could be the best.

    Collyer has a quartet of juniors and sophomore transfer Brian Devereaux from Canyon to rely on.

  • CLBC selects 30 students for California Scholars program
    July 3, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The nine-member California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) has selected 30 high school and college students to receive scholarships of $2,500 each and a lap top from Hewlett Packard as part of its 2014 CLBC California Scholars program

  • Italian Catholic Federation celebrates 90th anniversary
    July 3, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The local branch of the Italian Catholic Federation recently helped celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the parent organization by attending an affair at Casa Italiana that drew 185 members of the Los Angeles Archdiocese.

  • ‘Sun’ recognized with awards at media convention
    July 2, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    The Catholic Sun Newspaper was recognized with several awards at the annual Catholic Media Convention last month in Charlotte, N.C.

    During the June 20 awards banquet organized by the Catholic Press Association, The Catholic Sun was presented with awards in four categories: editorial, coverage of vocations, general excellence, and advertising.

  • St. John Bosco’s Rosen armed, ready for an encore
    July 1, 2014  |  In The News  |  

    Being the top-ranked high school quarterback in the nation has earned Josh Rosen enough bragging rights to spread around.