La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles invita cordialmente a los jóvenes adultos, jóvenes y sus tutores que planean asistir a la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ) 2023 en Lisboa, Portugal, a una bendición especial durante la Misa de las 10 a.m. el domingo 23 de julio de 2023 en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles en el centro de Los Ángeles, 555 W. Temple St., CA 90012.
Saint Kateri Parish to celebrate 25th anniversary
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Nighttime celebrations are planned on Friday, Aug. 18, and Saturday, Aug. 19, honoring the 25th anniversary of the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Church, which was established in 1998. -
Local Youth to Join Pope Francis in Lisbon for World Youth Day
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles announced Thursday that nearly 100 people, including clergy, will receive a blessing from the archbishop Sunday, ahead of a trip to Lisbon for World Youth Day and a chance to see the pope.
Catholics rush to help migrants arriving in Los Angeles
Nearly two weeks after seeing charter flights with migrants flown from Florida and dropped off in California’s capital city, Sacramento, in early June, the members of Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles received word that a bus full of asylum-seekers had left Texas and was heading their way.
Envían cuarto autobús con migrantes de Texas a Los Ángeles
Un cuarto autobús llegó este martes por la noche a Los Ángeles con 41 migrantes de Brownsville, Texas, dijo la Coalición por los Derechos Humanos de los Inmigrantes de Los Ángeles (CHIRLA, por sus siglas en inglés) en un comunicado.
Meet LA-area Catholics’ 4 new bishops
It was a joyful day for the Catholic faithful, as four Los Angeles priests have been named the newest auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Pope Francis Names New Auxiliary Bishops of Los Angeles
Pope Francis has appointed Msgr. Albert M. Bahhuth, Rev. Matthew Elshoff, OFM, Cap., Rev. Brian Nunes, and Rev. Slawomir S. Szkredka, as auxiliary bishops of Los Angeles.
Pope Francis names four new auxiliary bishops for the Los Angeles Archdiocese
Pope Francis has named four priests in the Los Angeles Archdiocese as auxiliary bishops of the archdiocese: Msgr. Albert Bahhuth, Capuchin Fr. Matthew Elshoff, Fr. Brian Nunes and Fr. Slawomir Szkredka.
Papa Francisco nombra cuatro obispos auxiliares para la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles
Desde la muerte del obispo auxiliar David O’Connell, en febrero, cuatro de las cinco regiones pastorales de la arquidiócesis estaban sin la supervisión de un obispo auxiliar.
El papa Francisco nombra a obispos auxiliares para Los Ángeles, California
Los cuatro obispos de la ciudad de Los Ángeles se suman a Marc Vincent Trudeau, quien ejerce el cargo desde 2018.