Virgen de Juquila une a migrantes mexicanos en el Sur de California
La celebración a la virgen de Juquila comenzó a realizarse en Los Ángeles como una muestra de la cultura oaxaqueña, ahora es un festejo que une a migrantes oriundos de Puebla, Veracruz, Morelos, Guerrero y Chiapas, entre otras entidades.
Se esperan miles de fieles en la procesión de la Virgen de Guadalupe
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles invita a los creyentes a que asistan a las diferentes procesiones en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe, que se llevarán a cabo este fin de semana y que culminan el domingo 6 de diciembre con la procesión religiosa más antigua de la ciudad.
Regresa ‘La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin’ a la Catedral
Es ya una tradición en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles. Son 13 años de “La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin”, un espectáculo teatral y musical presentado por la Latino Theater Company en asociación con la arquidiócesis de nuestra ciudad.
Immaculate Conception School Provides a Quality Catholic Education
Eighth Street in the Pico-Union neighborhood can be a very busy corridor to or from Downtown Los Angeles. It’s amazing how many people whom, upon discovering Immaculate Conception School (ICS), exclaim that they have driven past the campus often, and never noticed it — yet the school has been in this location for nearly 100 years.
Relgion events in the San Fernando Valley, LA area from Nov. 20-27
Christmas Boutique at St. Charles Borromeo Parish: Sale of gift items for Christmas plus Thanksgiving, 6-8 tonight; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday; 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday. Social Hall, 10830 Moorpark St., North Hollywood. 818-854-1258.
New regional bishop goes viral as social media star
Bishop Robert Barron’s tweets flutter to 81,400 followers.
His Facebook posts zip to more than 682,480 people.
Northridge service to bring together Muslims, Christians, Jews
For Rev. David Loftus, the upcoming Interfaith Service in Northridge could not come at a more needed time.
Assisted suicide law repeal sought
The bishops of California are supporting a signature-gathering campaign to place on the November 2016 ballot a referendum to overturn the state’s physician-assisted suicide law. – See more at: http://www.catholic-sf.org/ns.php?newsid=29&id=63992#sthash.ExPR708A.dpuf
Dozens turn to church, prayer in aftermath of Paris attacks
Local places of worship opened their doors Sunday to all those who wanted to pray and heal in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks that erupted in Paris. -
French Catholic Community In LA Expresses Sorrow, Fears In Wake Of Paris Terror Attacks
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Some of Los Angeles’ French Catholic community came together Sunday to share their faith at a time when they might need it the most.