Anti-abortion rally draws 35,000 in Los Angeles
Tens of thousands of people opposed to abortion have gathered in Los Angeles for the fourth annual OneLife LA rally.
OneLife LA: A New Type of Pro-Life Event
This weekend, thousands will gather in Los Angeles for OneLife LA – a walk and community event that celebrates the beauty and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
‘OneLife LA’: Around 35,000 People Take to LA Streets for Anti-Abortion Protest
Tens of thousands of people turned out Saturday for “OneLife LA,” described by organizers as a celebration of the “beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death.”
Archbishop leads ‘OneLife LA’ event celebrating ‘beauty of every human life’
Tens of thousands of people turned out Saturday for “OneLife LA,” described by organizers as a celebration of the “beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death.”
Vicepresidente de la USCCB pide acción del Congreso sobre DACA
El Arzobispo José H. Gómez de Los Ángeles, vicepresidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB), afirmó en su última columna semanal que el 2018 será año con “incertidumbre y temor acerca de la inmigración”, por tal motivo pidió al Congreso que ayude a solucionar el problema.
New Los Angeles ministry aims to help families of the imprisoned
The new program, which is part of the archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace, was launched Jan. 12 with a blessing that took place at the pastoral center of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in North Hollywood
Ending DACA will lead to ‘humanitarian crisis,’ says L.A. archbishop
Congress must separate “the conversation about DACA” from the “larger issues” about U.S. immigration policy, because allowing the program to expire will lead “to a humanitarian crisis,” especially in Los Angeles, said Archbishop Jose H. Gomez.
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles abre ministerio de servicio a familias de presos
“Todos somos hijos de Dios, y queremos abrir un espacio donde las familias de los encarcelados se sientan bienvenidas, no rechazadas, señaladas o juzgadas”, explicó a ACI el coordinador del nuevo ministerio, Diácono Paulino Juárez. “A través de Jesús, cada uno es invitado al Reino de Dios”. La Arquidiócesis prepara una ceremonia de apertura que contará con testimonios de familias de reclusos que incluyen a una madre cuyo hijo fue sentenciado a pena de muerte.
Contenido publicado en es.gaudiumpress.org, en el enlace http://es.gaudiumpress.org/content/92442#ixzz54UCpww00
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Cardinal Nichols sends condolences to Archbishop Gomez following California mudslides
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has offered his “heartfelt condolences” to Archbishop José H Gomez of Los Angeles for “all those who died or who were caught up with the devastating after-effects’ of last week’s mudslides in Santa Barbara County. Writing on behalf of Catholics in England and Wales, the Cardinal prayed that God may ‘grant strength and enduring faith to all who are bereaved, injured and traumatised’ and that he may ‘welcome into his merciful presence all who have died.”
Familias de encarcelados reciben apoyo de parte de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles
Cuando el hijo de Alicia Vázquez fue encarcelado hace poco más de un año, ella también comenzó a purgar una condena.