Annual Blessing of the Animals in Los Angeles
Homer rides in a mini school bus during the annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony, presided over by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez in Los Angeles.
Monseñor Thomas J. Curry, obispo auxiliar de Los Ángeles (EEUU), se ha retirado por edad
El Papa Francisco ha aceptado la renuncia del obispo auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos, presentada por Mons. Thomas J. Curry, a sus 75 años.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., several places of worship, schools and other institutions across the world will take part in the MLK50 Bell Toll. Each will ring their bells 39 times, signifying the number of years that the civil rights leader lived. In Los Angeles, the bells will toll starting at exactly 4:01 p.m. PST, the moment that Dr. King died.
EEUU: El Papa acepta la renuncia del obispo auxiliar de Los Ángeles
El Papa Francisco ha aceptado la renuncia del obispo auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos, presentada por Mons. Thomas J. Curry, a sus 75 años.
Pope Francis accepts resignation of Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Curry
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Thomas Curry, 75, as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Iglesia Católica en Estados Unidos recibe decenas de miles de nuevos creyentes durante Pascua
Durante la Vigilia Pascual y el Domingo de Resurrección, la Iglesia Católica en Estados Unidos admitió a la plena comunión a más de 30 mil personas. La cifra corresponde al informe de 85 de las 200 diócesis del país, por lo cual el número de nuevos creyentes puede ser sustancialmente mayor. Tan sólo en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles se recibieron 1700 catecúmenos y 1127 candidatos.
Pope Francis accepts resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry of Los Angeles
Bishop Curry has reached the retirement age for bishops of 75; resignation was publicized in Washington, D.C., by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States
LA archdiocese issues pastoral guidelines for Native American communities
Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles has signed 17 new protocols recognizing the Native Americans of California as the “First People of the Land” and offering guidelines for pastoral service toward their communities.
Wow Over 30,000 became Catholic at Easter in the United States – FULL Text Release from USCCB
About 85 of the nearly 200 dioceses across the nation have reported their numbers of catechumens and candidates for full communion to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Based on these numbers, more than 30,000 people are expected to be welcomed into the Church at Easter Vigil Masses this Saturday. For example, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the largest diocese in the United States, will welcome 1,700 catechumens and 1,127 candidates. Among them will be catechumen Tina Robinson. Raised in a Baptist church, Tina eventually started attending a non-denominational church. After she married a cradle Catholic, she prayed to God for guidance. A few days later, Tina received an invitation to attend St. Bernard’s Parish on their front door. “That was my calling” says Tina.
Animals gather for annual blessings in Los Angeles
Just before Easter, animals from all around Los Angeles walked, trotted or were carried to Olvera Street and received blessings from the Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. All kinds of animals, from dogs to birds to cattle to pigs to snakes, passed by the archbishop’s dais on March 31 and received a sprinkling of holy water.