New men for this new moment
This weekend I will ordain nine fine men to the priesthood.
For these past eight years, God has been blessing the family of God here in Los Angeles with growing numbers of men who are answering the call of Jesus to follow and serve him as his priests. Thanks be to God!
St. John’s Seminary rector ordained as bishop
Once a stock clerk at Vons, once a dentist and most recently leader of St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Monsignor Marc Trudeau is now a bishop.
Panel looks at how Catholic social teaching can address polarization
Sister Teresa Maya grew up hearing her “abuela” say, “People understand each other by speaking to one another.”
In her grandmother’s wisdom, she said, lies a way to address the polarization that seems to affect every aspect of U.S. society today.
St. Paul High School Graduation Ceremony at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
Valedictorian Ricardo Martin speaks during the 59th Annual St. Paul High School Graduation Ceremony at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles on Friday June 1, 2018. (Photo by Keith Durflinger for SCNG)
Dads, Do We Have Our Acts Together?
During a recent coffee meeting, a friend said, “You seem to have your act together on the fatherhood front. What’s your secret?” I was surprised and taken aback because I don’t think I have my act together at all. I don’t mean that out of false humility. I pray every day to be a better husband and father because I know all of the areas where I fall short. Before I could answer my friend, he received a call on his cell phone and had to run. The topic, however, stayed on my mind throughout the day.
Los Angeles archbishop encourages CUA graduates to emulate well-known and everyday saints
The American story began with the Catholic missionaries who first shaped the nation with the Gospel and proclaimed the dignity of all, a truth the Class of 2018 must share to the betterment our country, Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez told more than 1,600 new graduates of The Catholic University of America.
El Santo Niño de Atocha visita Santa Paula: Venerado por su historia
Entre la devoción, la fe y la nostalgia, se espera que más de cinco mil personas lleguen a visitar al Santo Niño de Atocha, en la ciudad de Santa Paula.
Regina Cleri ofrece opción de alojamiento para sacerdotes jubilados
Después de décadas de servicio a la Iglesia, sacerdotes “jubilan”, más o menos. Aunque ya no son párrocos ni asisten las reuniones del consejo parroquial, ni tampoco se preocupan por los presupuestos de la escuela y otras responsabilidades pesadas, en la mayoría de los casos, están sirviendo en las parroquias en la diócesis.
Regina Cleri to provide housing option for retired priests
After decades of service to the Church, priests “retire,” sort of. Although they are no longer pastors, juggling parish council meetings, school budgets and other heavy responsibilities, in most cases, they are helping out at parishes all over the diocese.
Families Helping Families Through Foster Care
The month of May is National Foster Awareness Month, but Catholic organizations around the country work hard year-round to help children in need of a safe, loving home.