Feds: LA Unified Held Back Funds from Low-Income Catholic School Students
The U.S. Department of Education has affirmed a previous ruling that the Los Angeles Unified School District violated federal law by slashing funding for low-income Catholic school students, according to a decision announced Thursday.
Feds: LA Unified held back funds from low-income Catholic school students
The U.S. Department of Education has affirmed a previous ruling that the Los Angeles Unified School District violated federal law by slashing funding for low-income Catholic school students, according to a decision announced Thursday.
The Buzz Holiday Theater Wrap-Up
La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W. Temple St. downtown
December 1-2Latino Theater Company presents its signature holiday pageant, a Los Angeles holiday tradition since 2002. It’s the story of Juan Diego, a simple peasant to whom the Virgin Mary appeared on four occasions in the mountains of Tepeyac near Mexico City in 1531. Starring Elia Saldana as the Virgin Mary and Sal Lopez as Juan Diego, the cast features more than 100 actors, singers and indigenous Aztec dancers as well as children and seniors from the community.
Archdiocese of Los Angeles prepares annual celebration to Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles announced events that will take place to celebrate the 492nd anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico.
The pilgrim images of the Virgin of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego will have toured at least 30 churches in Southern California from Oct. 20 to Dec. 3. The tour of parishes will culminate with a play, a traditional procession and a special celebration on Dec. 11 and 12, known as Las Mañanitas.
Former Teacher and Sex Abuse Survivor Motivates Archdiocesan “Garden of Healing”
About five years ago, Joe Montañez sat in the parking lot of St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in Simi Valley, feeling immensely nervous and shaky over what he was about to do. Minutes later he walked into a meeting with representatives of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to reveal “shameful abuse by my predator” – a priest who sexually abused him almost 50 years earlier.
How LA County Catholics will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas
Throughout December, Catholics across the Archdiocese of Los Angeles celebrate and honor the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas. Cultural and prayerful events begin this weekend, culminating with a tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe on the eve of her Dec. 12 Feast Day.
The Program: Mark your calendar for these December SoCal Performances
La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin’
Dec. 1-2. The signature holiday pageant that has been an L.A. holiday tradition since 2002 is back. The city’s largest theatrical holiday pageant has a cast that features over 100 actors, singers and indigenous Aztec dancers as community members. Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W. Temple St., Los Angeles. latinotheaterco.org
Diversión con olor a Navidad y repleto de música para todos los gustos
Con la llegada del mes de diciembre este fin de semana, las actividades para celebrar las fiestas navideñas se apoderan de la ciudad con obras musicales, exhibiciones de luces, teatro dramático e infantil y hasta conciertos para toda la familia y las parejas también.
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lista para rendir tributo a la Virgen de Guadalupe
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles anunció el lunes los eventos que se llevarán a cabo en diciembre para festejar el 492° aniversario de la aparición de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe en el cerro de Tepeyac en México.
New bishop presented to community in Ventura installation Mass
Hundreds of Catholics filled Mission Basilica San Buenaventura on Sunday as a biblical scholar from St. John’s Seminary was formally installed as auxiliary bishop for a pastoral region that includes Ventura County.