Inauguran capilla en honor a Monseñor Romero
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles inauguró una capilla en honor a Monseñor Oscar Romero en la Catedral de Los Ángeles
Canonización de los 7 beatos demuestra que la santidad puede tener “muchos rostros”
El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos), Mons. José Gomez, reflexionó sobre la canonización de siete beatos que se realizará el próximo 14 de octubre y afirmó que esto demuestra que la santidad puede tener “muchos rostros”.
A Refugee Community Gets Its Saint
Mabel Flores was only 12 years old in 1980 when the Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Arnulfo Romero was assassinated by government security forces while celebrating mass at Church of the Divine Province in that city, the capital of El Salvador.This coming Sunday, October 14, Romero will be made a saint by Pope Francis, 38 years after his death, a moment in history that many of his followers in the Salvadoran immigrant community here in the United States are celebrating. Mabel will be in Rome to see it with her own eyes.
Celebran una misa en Los Ángeles en memoria de monseñor Romero que será canonizado en el Vaticano
La ceremonia se realizó en la Iglesia Santo Tomás Apóstol y asistieron fieles y peregrinos que viajarán hasta Roma para asistir a la canonización. Se estima que más de 3,000 personas viajarán desde El Salvador hasta Italia para este importante evento para la comunidad católica salvadoreña.
Pope urges synod’s bishops to dream, reject conformism
Pope Francis urged bishops to reject conformism and frames of mind that “paralyze, separate and alienate us from young people,” leaving them “orphans without a faith community to sustain them.”
Francis calls for youth synod creativity- How will U.S. bishops answer the call?
At the end of a synod of bishops, the pope customarily issues a document- a post-synodal apostolic exhortation- that summarizes the gist of the meeting, and offers his reflections on whatever pastoral issue the synod took up for discussion.
Events planned in LA for Oct. 14 Romero canonization
As home to the largest population of Salvadorans outside of El Salvador, Los Angeles is preparing for canonization of Blessed Oscar Romero
California governor vetoes campus ‘abortion pill’ law
California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) vetoed a bill Sunday that would have mandated that public universities in the state offer abortion inducing “medication” through campus student health centers starting in 2022.
Four challenges for the bishops at synod on young people
The future of the Catholic Church is with the young, which is why Pope Francis has called bishops from all over the world to meet in Rome Oct. 3-28 for a synod on young people. If the church cannot attract and keep young people, it has no future.
Una emisora solidaria y una esperanza para las familias migrantes separadas
Situada en el condado de El Monte, en el área de Los Ángeles, Radio Guadalupe fue fundada en 2010 y desde entonces ha podido emprender campañas para recaudación de fondos con diversos destinos.