Inicia la ‘Semana Santa de amor y salvación’ en el mundo católico
Miles de católicos de Los Ángeles celebraron de forma solemne el inicio de la Semana Santa con el tradicional Domingo de Ramos junto al arzobispo José H. Gómez durante la misa en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles.
LA’s Archbishop Gomez marks start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday mass
Holy Week is starting today with Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday.
Sunday’s celebration commemorates the day Jesus made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
In Los Angeles, the Cathedral of our Lady of Angels in downtown hosted a Palm Sunday mass.
One service was given with Archbishop Jose Gomez and another with Rev. David Gallardo.
¿De dónde vienen las palmas que se usan en California para el Domingo de Ramos?
Miles de palmeras ya están esperando ser bendecidas para la procesión del Domingo de Ramos y muchos se preguntan dónde cultivan estas palmeras.
Latinos en LA tejen palmas para este Domingo de Ramos
Como cada año, desde 1960, Celia Meza —una mujer mexicana integrante de la asociación católica Hijas de María en la Placita Olvera— se ha dedicado cada año a elaborar hermosas palmas tejidas para el Domingo de Ramos, día que marca el inicio de la Semana Santa en el calendario cristiano.
Palm Sunday brings the faithful to LA Cathedral, and churches in region
Palm Sunday Masses at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles were celebrated, representing a celebration that was happening inside sanctuaries all over the region, and the world.
LA’s Archbishop Gomez marks start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday mass
Holy Week is starting today with Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday.
Sunday’s celebration commemorates the day Jesus made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
In Los Angeles, the Cathedral of our Lady of Angels in downtown hosted a Palm Sunday mass.
Christian Holy Week Begins with Palm Sunday Processions
Holy Week for Christians begins Sunday with Palm Sunday, which commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified.
Todo listo para “La Pasión de Cristo”, en Calvary Cemetary
Como cada año, en la Semana Mayor, cientos de personas llegan al Cementerio del Calvario para presenciar el Vía Crucis viviente para revivir la “Pasión de Cristo”.
USA’s Guadalupe Radio Offers Spiritual Safe Harbor in a Challenging World
f you visit the Hispanic communities in Southern California, you may hear Guadalupe Radio blaring from car radios. A high percentage of women listen at home or at work where permitted. And don’t be surprised if you hear the rosary coming from the speakers of a delivery truck. For many people who work long hours – and may not read English or Spanish well – it is a true spiritual lifeline.Most Americans have warm and sunny thoughts of Southern California. It is a place for family vacations: Disney World, Venice Beach, Hollywood, Universal Studios.
Where Did Los Angeles Get Its Name?
Los Angeles is a city in the US state of California. It was incorporated on April 4, 1850, and obtained city status on May 2, 1835. The city is known by its initials, L.A., and by its nickname, the City of Angels, derived from the Spanish translation of Los Angeles. The official name of the city, City of Los Angeles, has remained unchanged since 1850. However, there is much debate over how the city obtained its name.