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  • USCCB leaders decry policies they say led to child deaths at border
    July 2, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Leadership of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in an op-ed cast blame on government policies for recent child deaths near the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • How five bishops could deliver a powerful pro-immigrant gesture
    June 30, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    One of the bigger Vatican stories this week came in the unlikely form of a papal reaction to a photograph. On Wednesday, the Vatican released a statement saying Francis was heartsick about the image of a father and daughter from El Salvador who drowned while attempting to cross the Rio Grande to reach the United States.

  • Christian Families can Change the World
    June 30, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    On June 18, 2019, the Most Reverend José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles delivered the keynote address at the annual liturgy conference hosted by the University of Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute for Church Life, speaking on the pastoral state of the family.

  • As a nation we must honor the humanity and basic needs of migrants
    June 30, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    We mourn the deaths of 23-month-old Angie Valeria and her father, Oscar Martinez, who died on Monday while fleeing El Salvador in search of safety in the United States. This young family embarked on a journey of over 1,400 miles, through some of the most dangerous parts of the world, which ended with a father paying the ultimate price — his life — to keep his daughter from harm’s way. Angie was still scared after she was left safely on the river bank and she jumped back in the water to be with her dad, her security.

    June 28, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    Many people often times when they see something that they have great meaning or admiration towards, like a national anthem or a flag of their home country or something like that, get somewhat of a minor lump in their throat. I always experience something similar to such extent whenever I see an image of Saint John Baptist de La Salle or whenever I see a Brother of the Christian Schools for the truth to the matter of it all is that the Lasallian Spirituality to me is something very personal that I am extremely fond of.

  • Inauguran en Los Ángeles exhibición ImmiArt, reflejo del movimiento migrante
    June 28, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    El color del movimiento emigrante es el tema de este año de la exhibición ImmiArt que desde este jueves abre sus puestas en el consulado de México en Los Ángeles con 19 artistas inmigrantes participando.

  • Misa de las Culturas se celebra en Los Ángeles
    June 28, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Una vez al año la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles se convierte en un punto de celebración religiosa y cultural, pues con el propósito de rendir tributo a los diversos grupos étnicos que habitan la zona, se lleva a cabo la Misa de las Culturas.

  • The Diversity Among Catholics In LA Was On Full Display This Weekend
    June 24, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    In Los Angeles, Catholic masses aren’t just in English or Spanish. Across the L.A. Archdiocese, immigrant communities hold regular services in more than 40 languages. That diversity was on full display Saturday at the Archdiocese’s annual Celebration of Cultures Mass.

  • Misa de las Culturas reúne a cerca de 40 grupos étnicos en la Catedral de LA
    June 23, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Con el tema “Yo soy la sierva del Señor”, en referencia a la virgen María, el arzobispo José H. Gómez, de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, celebró este sábado la décimo quinta misa anual de las culturas, donde participaron alrededor de 40 comunidades étnicas de esta metrópoli.

  • Could Archbishop Gómez lead the US bishops out of the doldrums?
    June 20, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    From 2004 until his retirement last year, Michael J Bransfield served as Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston. It’s the perfect posting for a prelate who wants all the perks of the office without the distractions of being a pastor. The diocese in poverty-stricken West Virginia allegedly brings in $15 million from oil fields it owns in Texas, which goes to serve just 100,000 Catholics. Bransfield allegedly spent $1,000 on alcohol a month and $100 on fresh flowers every day – paid for, of course, from the diocesan treasury. Several younger priests have also reported him for sexual harassment. (He denies the allegations.)