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  • Perspectivas: La Violencia Y El Racismo Aumentan El Temor; Proyecto SB 24 Sigue Siendo Una Amenaza
    August 16, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    rzobispo Gómez: “La humanidad de otros nunca es negociable”

    La violencia y el racismo aumentan el temor pero los Obispos invitan a ser decididos al momento de abordar esos problemas

  • As novena ends, Christians urged to be society’s ‘moral conscience’
    August 16, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco called for Christians to be the “moral conscience” of society during a Mass marking the end of a novena against an upcoming abortion bill.

  • Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lanza un taller para facilitar a los ciudadanos estadounidenses obtener su pasaporte
    August 16, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    La actividad, que se llevará a cabo junto al representantes del Departamento de Estado, busca beneficiar principalmente a los niños y jóvenes que no tengan su documentación completa. El sacerdote de Misión San Gabriel, Alex Gaitán, asegura que varios voluntarios estarán dispuestos a ayudar con el proceso.

  • Arquidiócesis y Gobierno de EEUU se unen para ofrecer taller de pasaportes
    August 16, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ofrece este sábado 17 de agosto, junto a la Oficina de Asuntos Consulares de la Secretaría de Estado de Estados Unidos, un taller de pasaportes en la Misión San Gabriel.

  • When Catholics Fight Back
    August 16, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    SB 360, also known as Senate Bill 360, a proposal requiring priests in California to break the sacramental seal of confession, was placed on hold by its sponsor, State Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), on 9 June, right before a hearing on the bill. For months before the vote, activists in California, across the nation, and even in Rome raised their voices against SB 360, securing a victory against this gross violation of religious liberty and Catholic practice. However, triumphant tones must be tempered: Hill has publicly stated his intention to re-propose this bill at a later time. There are thus important lessons to be learned from the activism that effectively blunted this anti-Catholic legislation, ones we would do well to understand as we brace for the next attack.

  • Insights: Violence, Racism Raise Fears; SB 24 Still A Threat
    August 16, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    rchbishop Gomez: “The humanity of others is never negotiable”

    Violence, Racism Raise Fears but Bishops Call for Determination in Addressing the Issues

    Horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton merged with the national debate on racism last week, leaving many people exasperated but also forging renewed determination to combat the evils of violence and racism in our society.

  • It took a village to remake OLA’s church
    August 12, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    Our Lady of Assumption Church (OLA) further explains how the renovation was completed

  • Farewell to Fr. Dover
    July 25, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    After serving both the St. James the Less and Holy Redeemer parishes, Fr. Ed Dover is moving on.

    A celebration for him was held at Healy Hall on the campus of Holy Redeemer on July 1. Many of the parishioners came to wish him well and thank him for his years of service to the community. Most were eager to get a photo with the faith leader.

  • Censo 2020: Todos merecen ser contados
    July 25, 2019  |  In The News  |  

    Cuando Madison, Franklin, Jefferson y Hamilton incluyeron la herramienta del censo en la Constitución, lo hicieron con la intención de que todas y cada una de las personas que viven en el país sean contadas, asegurando de este modo su representación en el Congreso. Desde 1790, y cada 10 años, el Gobierno realiza el conteo nacional.

  • Programa Especial Ley SB 360 / Arzobispo José Gomez
    July 22, 2019  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Entrevista con Mons. Jose H. Gómez, Arzobispo Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles en el programa Levántate y Camina “Edición Especial”. sobre el proyecto de ley del estado de California, el cual pretendía proponer la prohibición del sigilo sacramental a los sacerdotes.