Filipino priests to sponsor ‘Pista sa Nayon’ fundraiser
THE Filipino Priests Association of Los Angeles will sponsor a fundraising event on Sunday, October 20, at 5 p.m. the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Rd., Glendale, CA 91208.
Sacred Heart Sisters celebrates 50 years at Old Mission Santa Inés
This year marks 50 years that the Sacred Heart Sisters have lived and worked at Old Mission Santa Inés in Solvang.
Directora del ministerio para jóvenes y jóvenes adultos se reúne con Papa Francisco
Como parte de una delegación formada por arzobispos, obispos y laicos de los Estados Unidos, la cual en días recientes viajó a Roma para presentar los resultados, recomendaciones del V Encuentro, Junuee Castro, directora de la Oficina diocesana para jóvenes y jóvenes adultos, tuvo la oportunidad de representar a la Diócesis de Salt Lake City.
Delegación estadounidense entrega resultados del V Encuentro al Papa Francisco
El Papa Francisco posa en Sept. 18, 2019, con miembros de la delegación de Estados Unidos que viajo a Roma para presentar los resultados del V Encuentro Católico Nacional al Papa y altos jerarcas del Vaticano. El arzobispo Jose H. Gomez de Los Angeles, líder de la delegación, se ve de último a la izquierda, seguido del obispo auxiliar Arturo Cepeda de Detroit y Paola Martinez de la Diócesis de San Bernardino, Calif. A la derecha del Papa está Luis Peña de la Arquidiócesis de New York, Junuee Castro de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City y el obispo Nelson J. Perez de Cleveland. (CNS foto/Medios del Vaticano).
The latest madness on California campuses
Abortion advocates had a field day rallying on California college campuses. They demanded free abortions on campus. Activists insisted that “women need easy access to abortion if they want to be free.”
Angelinos sacan cientos de libras de basura de las playas de LA
Miles de voluntarios y defensores del medio ambiente, de los océanos y de la vida marítima fueron desplegados este sábado a lo largo de la costa oeste para sanear por trigésimo año consecutivo las playas, al remover centenares de libras de basura que los seres humanos lanzan y que acaban en el mar.
On the devotion to Virgen De Los Remedios, patroness of Pampanga
THIS Sunday, September 22, thousands of us, particularly Kapampangans, will gather at the Cathedral of Los Angeles to celebrate the 63rd Canonical Coronation Mass of Virgen de Los Remedios.
What Pope Francis means to U.S. Latino Catholics
Joseph Tomás McKellar knew he would get a chance to meet Pope Francis. He was at the Vatican last April for a conference on accompaniment that brought together 200 social workers, ministers and organizers. At one point during the meeting, they would all get a chance to greet the pope.
Catholicism is multilingual. Why aren’t more Catholic schools?
Clad in a shirt and tie as he directs morning traffic down Clower Street, William Daily seems to know the name of just about every student emerging from their parents’ cars. “¡Buenos días, Isabel!” the principal of St. Mary Magdalen Church and School says to one student. “¡Buenos días, Kevin!” he says to another. Mr. Daily learned to speak Spanish while serving people living in extreme poverty in Quito, Ecuador. His language skills are essential in his current role, as many of the parents sought out the San Antonio school because it offers their children something many other Catholic schools do not.
Catholicism is multilingual, so why aren’t more Catholic schools?
Clad in a shirt and tie as he directs morning traffic down Clower Street, William Daily seems to know the name of just about every student emerging from their parents’ cars. “¡Buenos días, Isabel!” the principal of St. Mary Magdalen Church and School says to one student. “¡Buenos días, Kevin!” he says to another. Mr. Daily learned to speak Spanish while serving people living in extreme poverty in Quito, Ecuador. His language skills are essential in his current role, as many of the parents sought out the San Antonio school because it offers their children something many other Catholic schools do not.