Archdiocese of LA Launching Hotline to Support Seniors, At-Risk People Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Tuesday will introduce Hearts to Serve, a hotline to support seniors, homebound people and pregnant women in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Alimento y medicina a una llamada para los de la tercera edad, discapacitados y embarazadas
A partir de este martes, la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles lanza Hearts to Serve, una línea directa para apoyar a personas mayores, personas confinadas en el hogar y mujeres embarazadas.
Tech, faith teams around region connect Catholics to Sunday Mass amid coronavirus crisis
There’s a “stay home” order in place throughout the state of California, more and more public places closed over the weekend and Catholic leaders in Los Angeles and Orange counties directed parishes to suspend public Mass until at least March 29, or until otherwise extended, as the novel coronavirus worsened.
SoCal Church Offers a Drive-In Mass in Keeping With COVID-19 Guidelines
The pulpit moved to the parking lot Sunday when a San Gabriel Valley church adhered to social distancing guidelines, but still allowed worshippers to gather for Mass.
SoCal Church Offers a Drive-In Mass in Keeping With COVID-19 Guidelines
The pulpit moved to the parking lot Sunday when a San Gabriel Valley church adhered to social distancing guidelines, but still allowed worshippers to gather for Mass.
Downtown L.A. World Cup: Loyola vs. Cathedral for regional soccer title
Fans of the two downtown Los Angeles Catholic high schools, Loyola and Cathedral, will argue and debate nonstop about who has the best view of downtown L.A. — along with which school has the best soccer program.
Last Thursday, St. John Bosco students were given the chance to share their faith with thousands of different students from around the country at Youth Day 2020
“Hopefully, the students who were involved left inspired and challenged to live as missionary disciples in their homes, schools, parishes, and communities,” said Brother Quang.
Southern California Christians observe Ash Wednesday, beginning 40 days of Lent
Christians throughout Southern California will observe Ash Wednesday today, ushering in the 40-day season of Lent, when the faithful prepare for Easter by doing penance for sins and seeking spiritual renewal through prayer, discipline and good works.
L.A. Religious Education Congress speakers emphasize evangelizing, mercy
Sister Teresa Maya, one of the keynote speakers at the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles, spoke to thousands at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena Feb. 22 about her grandmother.
A Wave of Love: Family Reflection Video
Right before the Entrance Song began, I felt it and as I looked around, I could see others did too. A strong and clear sense of the Presence of God came over us as thousands of kids from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles were gathered for the Holy Eucharist last Thursday in Anaheim California, at their annual Youth Day.