Holy oil, masks and FaceTime: The coronavirus forces Catholics to adapt last rites
As an elderly man lay dying in a Los Angeles hospital last month, his family requested a sacrament that Catholics have asked for down through the ages: last rites from a priest.
How Fil-Am families are celebrating Easter despite social distancing
THE major holiday of the spring season is this Sunday, April 12, marking the end of Holy Week (Mahal na Araw). But instead of heading to church, participating in a neighborhood egg hunt or having a large fiesta with relatives, Filipino American families are navigating how to celebrate Easter in this era of social distancing.
Retiros espirituales por redes sociales, una opción en tiempos de COVID-19
Las redes sociales, una vez consideradas como una distracción para las actividades religiosas, en la época del coronavirus se han convertido en la vía que une a cientos de creyentes que buscan continuar practicando sus encuentros de fe, incluso hasta para un retiro espiritual.
Semana Santa en el Sur de Californi
Desde el Vaticano hasta las Iglesias alrededor del mundo y en el Sur de California, feligreses católicos iniciaron la semana más importante para los cristianos a través del internet, un hecho jamás visto, y todo por la cuarentena que se impuso por el coronavirus que ha cobrado la vida de miles de personas alrededor del mundo.
During this most sacred time of the year for Christians, Archbishop José H. Gomez with leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and the …
SoCal’s religious communities stay connected amid COVID-19 crisis
ABC7 is teaming up with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to bring Easter Mass to millions.
LA Archbishop Will Lead a Unifying Good Friday Prayer in a Time of Isolation
Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez will lead a Good Friday National Prayer of the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to ask for an end to the coronavirus pandemic.
Domingo de Pascua, una celebración diferente pero con mucha fe
Ana Estrada, una feligrés de la Iglesia católica, dijo que ella y su esposo asisten a misa de manera regular sobre todo durante la celebración de la Cuaresma y Semana Santa.
Churches Mark Good Friday Via Livestream As COVID-19 Disrupts Services
Amid a global pandemic and social distancing orders, Christians around the world observed Good Friday safe from their homes.
Christians connect online with virtual Good Friday, Easter services from San Fernando Valley churches
Christians will gather alone or with their families at home for Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter services this year to watch services streaming virtually thanks to San Fernando Valley area churches.