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  • The Parish Exists To Support the Family Not The Other Way Around.” Popcak Interview with The Angelus on Domestic Church Life
    May 20, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    The Archdiocese of Los Angeles just published an article I was interviewed for. It discusses the renewed emphasis on domestic church life–especially in light of the pandemic. My thanks to Sophia Martinson for the piece. Since we discussed a lot of things that didn’t make the final piece, I wanted to share the full conversation Sophia and I had. I hope it will help you discover the importance of your domestic church in God’s plan for bringing the world to him.

  • Justice Dept. says California’s pandemic plan should open churches sooner
    May 20, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    The U.S. Department of Justice is challenging the “unequal treatment of faith communities” in California’s coronavirus reopening plan, warning that continued restrictions on worship services threaten believers’ civil rights to practice their religion.

  • Video: Alumnus Seminarian on Path to Priesthood
    May 20, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    “I don’t bring something special to the priesthood; the priesthood is something that God gives to me,” says Michael Masteller (’13) in the above video from L.A. Catholics. “It’s our path of holiness. Every person has their path. Every vocation is that path of holiness.”

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe school hands out meals in East L.A.
    May 20, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    By 9 a.m. on a recent Friday, the line of mostly young mothers already stretched for a block down the sidewalk along the chain-link fence that separates Our Lady of Guadalupe School from Hazard Avenue. Nancy Figueroa, principal of the parish school in East LA, was talking to them in Spanish.

  • Religion events – online – in the San Fernando Valley area, May 16-23
    May 16, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Daily Masses are live streamed from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels, 7 a.m. (Spanish) and 10 a.m. (English). Sunday Mass in Spanish, 7 a.m., is streamed on Ch. 46; in English, 10 a.m., is streamed on Ch. 13. For daily and Sunday Masses: For parishes that live stream Mass: For more information:

  • Archbishop Gomez Calls Us to ‘Witness to the New World of Faith’ In Pastoral Letter on the New Evangelization
    May 15, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    The world needs a new evangelization! The people of our city, our nation and our continent are waiting for the encounter with Jesus Christ who makes all things new. In every age, Jesus draws near to offer his salvation to all people. He calls: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock!”

  • Mother’s Day Drive Yields More Than 400 Gifts For Women
    May 15, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    Call it an explosion of kindness: What started as Debbi Drewry’s idea to give a few simple Mother’s Day gifts to her neighbors ballooned into a massive effort that ultimately yielded more than 400 baskets and gifts to deserving women across the Los Angeles area.

  • Redescubre la Belleza de Rezar el Rosario
    May 14, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    El mes de mayo, en nuestra tradición Católica, está dedicado a nuestra Santa Madre. Este año, el primer día del mes de María, en respuesta a la pandemia de coronavirus que enfrentamos, el Presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, el Arzobispo José Gómez dirigió un servicio de re-consagración de nuestro país a la Madre de Dios, pidiendo por su protección a nuestra nación. Esa tarde, para unir nuestra diócesis con este Acto de re-consagración, recé el rosario con Kelly Moleski, su hija Anna, feligreses de la Parroquia de la Encarnación, Mantua, y Andrés Arango, Director de nuestra Oficina de Evangelización y del Ministerio Hispano. Fue transmitido en vivo para que otros pudieran rezar junto con nosotros, lo cual hicieron, e interceder con Nuestra Señora en nombre de nuestra nación sufriente. Como el 1 de mayo cayó un viernes rezamos los misterios dolorosos del Rosario.

  • Rediscover the beauty of praying the rosary
    May 14, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    The month of May in our Catholic tradition is dedicated to our Blessed Mother. This year on the first day of Mary’s month, in response to the coronavirus pandemic that we are facing, the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Jose Gomez, conducted a service of re-consecration of our country to the Mother of God, praying for her protection on our nation. That evening, to unite our diocese with this Act of Re-consecration I prayed the Rosary with Kelly Moleski, her daughter Anna, parishioners of Incarnation Parish, Mantua, and Andres Arango, director of our Office of Evangelization and Hispanic Ministry. It was live streamed so others could pray along with us, which they did, and intercede with Our Lady on behalf of our suffering nation. Since May 1st fell on a Friday we prayed the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary.

  • Cambian las tradiciones en la iglesia en medio de una pandemia mundial en plena cuaresma
    May 13, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |