Iglesias católicas de Los Ángeles se preparan para abrir a mínima capacidad
En una misiva dirigida a las parroquias, el arzobispo José Gómez instruyó a las 78 parroquias que componen la arquidiócesis sobre el proceso de reapertura tras casi tres meses de haber cerrado a causa de la pandemía del coronavirus.
Archdiocese Outlines Plans for Re-Opening
Churches in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles were directed today to prepare to resume church services as early as June 3 for private prayer and Sunday Mass as soon as June 7.
Los Angeles General News Virus Outbreak Sprawling Los Angeles archdiocese announces reopening plans
The sprawling Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles announced Wednesday measured steps toward reopening churches and resuming celebration of daily Mass early next month.
Local houses of worship can hold in-person services, but some are planning to wait
Not all local houses of worship plan to immediately resume in-person services under the state’s new guidelines allowing them to do so with social distancing restrictions.
How LA County houses of faith plan to meet in person again
After months of livestreaming religious services because of the new coronavirus pandemic, houses of worship in Los Angeles County can congregate again in-person, county leaders announced.
LA archdiocese announces reopening plan
After California relaxed public health restrictions on churches on Monday, the nation’s largest diocese announced its plan on Tuesday to resume public Masses.
L.A. Archdiocese to begin opening churches under detailed safety measures
After being closed for more than two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles can begin to open to the public the first week of June if they implement certain safety guidelines, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez told priests and parish staff late May 26.
L.A. Archdiocese could resume daily Mass, scheduled confessions next week
As California rolls back coronavirus-related restrictions on houses of worship, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles has released guidelines to reopen churches for private prayer and public Mass as early as next week.
Estados Unidos: Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles anuncia plan de reapertura de iglesias
Después de que el estado de California relajara las restricciones por la pandemia de COVID-19 también para las iglesias, la Arquidiócesis Los Ángeles, la más grande de Estados Unidos, anunció el martes 26 de mayo su plan para reanudar las Misas con fieles.
https://apnews.com/716073eb94bdfcfd2dfec8b756a96e9f Click to copy RELATED TOPICS Los Angeles San Francisco Religion General News California Pandemics Gavin Newsom Virus Outbreak U.S. News LA allows shopping, worship sooner than expected in pandemic
Retail shops and offices were allowed to open Wednesday and the largest Roman Catholic archdiocese in the U.S. announced a plan to resume services as Los Angeles County took another step toward a reopening that seemed hard to imagine a week ago.