LA archbishop celebrates first Mass in person since outbreak
A Catholic archbishop celebrated the first in-person Mass since public worship services were suspended in Los Angeles because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Archbishop José H. Gomez celebrated the Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Sunday, The Los Angeles Times reports.
Mass With Faithful Present to be Celebrated at Cathedral on Sunday
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez Sunday will celebrate the first Mass with faithful present since parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles suspended public Mass on March 16 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
LA Cathedral To Celebrate Mass Sunday With Faithful Present
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez Sunday will celebrate the first Mass with faithful present since parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles suspended public Mass on March 16 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Los católicos podrán ir a misa este domingo a la Catedral de Los Ángeles, pero no todos podrán ingresar
Después de 11 domingos cerrada, la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles reabrirá sus puertas para recibir a los feligreses católicos bajo nuevas restricciones, siguiendo los protocolos establecidos por el Departamento de Salud del condado para combatir la propagación del coronavirus.
How one Catholic priest responded to the ’92 LA riots
In the spring of 1992, then-Father David O’Connell was comfortable in parish life in south LA. The Irish-born priest had served the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for more than a decade by then, and he was familiar with the conflicts and tensions that existed in the area.
10 organizaciones que distribuirán alimentos gratis en el condado de Los Ángeles
La solidaridad ha permitido que las familias de bajos recursos salgan a flote en medio de la pandemia; y eso es lo que estarán haciendo 10 diferentes organizaciones con eventos de distribución de comida en diferentes puntos del condado de Los Ángeles de forma gratuita.
El Papa Francisco llamó a obispos de EE.UU., para apoyar mensaje anti-racista de la Iglesia
El Arzobispo Gómez dijo a los obispos que “en este momento desafiante para nuestros ministerios y nuestro país, espero que todos podamos encontrar consuelo y fuerza en las oraciones y el estímulo de nuestro Santo Padre”.
EEUU- George Floyd. Los obispos agradecen al Papa por sus palabras de consuelo
El Papa Francisco, dio ánimos ayer a Monseñor José H. Gómez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles y Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de los Estados Unidos sobre el caso de George Floyd y la ola de disturbios que trajo consigo. El Papa Francisco llamó por teléfono al prelado dándole ánimos, un gran aliento pastoral y le pidió que lo recuerde en la oración.
Pope Francis assures Americans and US Bishops of his prayer during unrest
Pope Francis calls the president of the US Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop José Gomez, with a message of solidarity and encouragement, amid protests in the US sparked by the death of George Floyd.
Pope Francis called Archbishop Gomez to express prayers after death of George Floyd
Pope Francis called the president of the U.S. bishops’ conference on Wednesday to convey his prayers and solidarity for Americans during the period of national unrest that began with the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed May 25 during an arrest by Minneapolis police.