Archdiocese of Los Angeles welcomes 8 new priests
Archbishop José H. Gomez ordained eight new priests August 8 for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in a Ordination Mass that, for the first time, was held outdoors on the plaza of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, complying with public health guidelines for worship gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hospital chaplains help with spiritual healing, support during COVID-19 pandemic
Hospitals are playing a key role in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. But it’s not just the medical care by doctors and nurses that is so essential these days; the spiritual healing of those in need is also very much in demand.
Agent of colonialism’ or a ‘saint for our times’? Junipero Serra’s legacy divides Latinos
He was the architect of California’s Roman Catholic missions, a man taught to generations of schoolchildren as a founding father of the Golden State and the first-ever Hispanic saint from the United States. Father Junípero Serra’s arrival in California in 1769 also marked the beginning of centuries of exploitation and decimation for Native Californians, the very people Serra vowed to “save” with Christianity.
Capellanes arriesgan su vida para ayudar a personas con COVID-19
Para Nemesio Santana ha sido una bendición ser capellán en tiempos del coronavirus y acompañar espiritualmente a los enfermos de esta pandemia a través de videollamadas, llamadas telefónicas, o guardando la distancia desde la puerta de sus cuartos en el Hospital del condado de Los Ángeles y de la Universidad del Sur de California (LAC+USC).
Hospital Chaplains Offer Comfort to Patients in Final Days During Pandemic
When patients have no contact with their families in their final days, chaplains offer kindness. John Cadiz Klemack reports Aug. 13, 2020.
LA Archdiocese Ordains 8 Priests Amid Pandemic
Eight men took the final step into priesthood this month. Among them was 31-year old Michael Mesa, a man who grew up Catholic but admitted to attending mass on Sunday mornings half asleep as a child.
Capellana arriesga su vida a diario frente al COVID-19, pero “ofrecer ayuda espiritual al enfermo es más gratificante”
En una época en la que muchos están lidiando con el COVID-19 entre la soledad y la muerte, el alivio llega también en forma de bienestar espiritual.
Cómo son las ordenaciones sacerdotales en tiempos de pandemia
Ocho sacerdotes fueron ordenados el sábado 8 de agosto en Los Ángeles (California). Se trató de una ordenación histórica. No por el número de nuevos sacerdotes, sino porque se realizó afuera de la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles. Al aire libre. Lo que nunca había sucedido.
Eight L.A. priests ordained outside in ‘historic’ socially distanced liturgy
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles greeted the relatively small, socially distanced gathering that had come to witness the ordination of eight men to the priesthood Aug. 8 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
Latino Theater Company Announces Virtual Fall Season
he Latino Theater Company has announced a Fall 2020 Virtual Season. Over the next five months, the company will stream a combination of archival footage of past, fully-staged hit productions; live streamed, “sneak-peek” readings of plays set for on-stage production in 2021 (or whenever theater is permitted to resume); live online conversations with company members; and live readings of new plays selected for the company’s annual Unmasking New Works playreading series. All events are scheduled, on the respective dates listed below, to take place at 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. ET. All events are free and will be available for viewing at www.thelatc.org/. Scroll down to the bottom of this release for an easy-to-read schedule.