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  • After a fire, California’s Mission San Gabriel rises from the ashes
    September 8, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    The sound of sirens and flashing lights woke Claretian Father John Molyneux, pastor of the Mission San Gabriel parish, around 4:30 a.m. on July 11, when firefighters arrived to tell priests to evacuate the rectory. The historic 249-year-old California church near Los Angeles was ablaze, with flames and smoke erupting from the wooden roof.

  • As students continue remote learning, La Puente private school gets facelift to be COVID compliant
    August 29, 2020  |  In The News, The Latest  |  

    As its students continue distance learning, a private school in La Puente underwent a transformation and is now ready to welcome them back to campus as soon as they can.

  • OLM Hopes for In-person Start to School Year
    August 29, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    On Aug. 25, Los Angeles County hit 197.5 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents—which was cause for a small celebration in the Our Lady of Malibu School offices. For the past few weeks, staff at the local Catholic school have waited to see whether the case rate would drop below 200. That’s the number the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (following the state’s lead) had set as the threshold to pass before considering opening the in-person waiver application, which would allow schools to bring students back into classrooms. LA County Public Health said in a statement Tuesday that it was “heartened by the case rates falling below 200” and was “working to assess the new guidance issued … by the CDPH [California Department of Public Health] to determine what additional adjustments may be needed before opening up the waiver process.”

  • Under tents and with folding chairs, Catholics resume First Communions and baptisms outdoors
    August 28, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    It’s been tradition for Annmarie Juarez’s children to receive their sacraments of First Communion at St. Frances X Cabrini Church in San Bernardino County, where dozens of their family members gather for the celebrations.

  • Archbishop encourages second collection to aid relief efforts in Beirut
    August 28, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    In response to the devastation caused by a massive explosion that recently rocked the city of Beirut, Lebanon—killing more than 200 people—Archbishop Charles C. Thompson is encouraging parishes across central and southern Indiana to have a second collection on the weekend of Aug. 29-30.

  • These are the world’s most beautiful cathedrals
    August 23, 2020  |  In The News, The Latest  |  

    Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California, USA
    Also known as COLA, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels replaced the previous Cathedral of Saint Vibiana which was severely damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The new building opened in 2002 and sparked controversy for its large size, non-traditional architecture and expensive construction – the altar budget alone was $5 million.

  • Religion events in the San Fernando Valley area, Aug. 22-29
    August 22, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    Permanent Diaconate Ordination Mass: Archbishop José H. Gomez celebrates the Mass during which 11 men will be named as permanent deacons, 9 a.m. Aug. 22. The Mass will be live streamed from Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in Los Angeles. Watch here:

  • Analysis: The end of business as usual for the USCCB?
    August 21, 2020  |  Archbishop Gomez, In The News  |  

    The U.S. bishops’ conference has canceled its in-person November meeting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Sources say that conference leadership is now considering whether to conduct an abbreviated virtual meeting in place of the canceled event.

  • Long Waiting List for Baptisms among Los Angeles Hispanics during Pandemic
    August 20, 2020  |  In The News, The Latest  |  

    When in mid-March California authorities ordered the closure of all churches to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the biggest concern of Father Arturo Corral was that his congregation would drift away. Now, after the reopening, his uneasiness comes from not being able to fulfill all the requests for baptisms.

  • La fe de los hispanos que bautizan a sus hijos vacunada contra la COVID-19
    August 19, 2020  |  In The News  |  

    Cuando a mediados de marzo las autoridades de California ordenaron también el cierre de iglesias para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19 la mayor preocupación del padre Arturo Corral era que sus feligreses se alejaran de la iglesia. Ahora, tras la reapertura, su desasosiego es que no da abasto con los pedidos para realizar bautizos.