Symbol of Hope and Faith Visits SoCal Field Workers Who Are Persevering Through the Pandemic
Field workers in Ventura County, California, received a visit from a much-needed symbol of hope and faith.
Imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe visita a trabajadores del campo
Las imágenes de la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego llegaron, acompañados de mariachi, a Moorpark para visitar a los trabajadores del campo.
Local Catholics participate in National V Encuentro event
Thirty-six diocesan and parish staff working in Hispanic Ministry throughout the Diocese of Camden recently joined Bishop Dennis Sullivan, and over 3,000 of their counterparts from over 100 dioceses, in a two-day National V Encuentro virtual event.
Orange County, Los Angeles archdioceses join forces for Respect Life Month
Every life is precious, everyone is made in the image of God and every person has inherent dignity, according to the Catholic faith. The Los Angeles Archdiocese, in alliance with the Diocese of Orange County, is hosting a webinar series to promote these articles of faith as part of Respect Life Month during October and November.
Hallan casi intacta una antigua pintura mariana de iglesia incendiada en California
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos) informó hace unos días que una pintura histórica de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores se salvó de ser quemada tras el incendio de una iglesia misionera de California, producido hace más de tres meses.
Catholic schools in LA archdiocese are opening with COVID exemptions, Mass hosted outside
Classroom learning for Los Angeles County students won’t begin until November, according to media reports, due to COVID-19 concerns as well as opposition on the part of the United Teachers Los Angeles and Los Angeles Unified School District
Rare painting gives LA’s Mission San Gabriel hope as it rebuilds
As if to provide a celestial reaction to the fire that devastated a historic Los Angeles mission, the only artwork that survived was a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows.
18th century Virgin Mary painting found intact among rubble after San Gabriel Mission fire
An amazing discovery was made among the rubble of the San Gabriel Mission, which was destroyed in a fire in July.
Our Lady of Sorrows painting recovered from burned California mission church
Denver Newsroom, Oct 15, 2020 / 03:55 pm MT (CNA).- A historic painting of Our Lady of Sorrows survived a devastating fire this summer at a California mission church, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has said.
Intact Virgin Mary painting found in rubble after Mission San Gabriel fire
Workers found a mostly unscathed 18th century painting of the Virgin Mary buried beneath the rubble of the Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, the 249-year-old church that burned down in July, officials from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles said in a statement, Thursday, Oct. 15.