Día de los Muertos is a celebration—even during a pandemic.
Some people look at a skull and think of death. Others think of Hamlet. For many Mexicans, though, the skull is a sign of celebration. Death, afterall, is not the end.
Construyen un altar del Día de los Muertos en memoria de Kobe Bryant y su hija Gianna
Sergio Almazán, decano de la preparatoria Salesiana de Boyle Heights, que se encargó de armar el altar, aseguró que la idea es hacer un homenaje a la estrella de la NBA y su familia, así como agradecerles por su aporte al mundo deportivo.
Hispanos celebran el día de los muertos diferente – Noticias 62
Y hablando de este tipo de celebraciones, ya se acerca el día de los muertos y a pesar de la pandemia, muchos hispanos ya se están preparando para recordar a sus seres queridos en esta fecha tan especial.
Abogada busca Dignidad y Justicia para los menores no acompañados
Linda Dakin-Grimm, una abogada que por más de 30 años representó a corporaciones e instituciones bancarias por todas las cortes del país, se convirtió en una apasionada defensora de los menores no acompañados, sin goce de sueldo y de manera voluntaria, al jubilarse de su práctica legal privada.
For many who lost loved ones to COVID-19, this Day of the Dead will be a time of healing
Concepción Sánchez didn’t get a chance to say a proper goodbye to her 68-year-old father, who died of COVID-19 in September. No one was at his bedside at the hospital — Sánchez’s mother wasn’t allowed in even to sign the paperwork after his death.
Photos: Alemany High hosts drive-by ‘trunk or treat’ for adults with developmental disabilities
When the coronavirus pandemic forced Bishop Alemany High School to cancel its annual Halloween Dance for adults with developmental disabilities living in the group homes around the area they decided to host a socially distanced “trunk or treat” event instead.
Los Angeles archdiocese offers Dia de los Muertos resources amid pandemic
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is helping Catholic students and their families celebrate Día de los Muertos amid the pandemic this year, with online videos and craft kids for Catholic students.
Students return to Long Beach Catholic school with COVID protocols in place
Cars lined up behind Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School in Long Beach on Monday morning, Oct. 26, as parents dropped off their children for the first day of on-campus learning in nearly eight months.
Here’s what classes look like at the first Long Beach school to get a reopening waiver
In a kindergarten classroom at Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School on Monday, nine students sit at desks all spaced 6 feet apart, facing forward. Some are surrounded by plastic dividers.
Students return to school today at private Long Beach school
About 40 children in transitional kindergarten through second grade are expected to return to the Saint Maria Goretti Catholic in Long Beach for in-person instruction today.