Videomensaje del Santo Padre al Congreso de Educación Religiosa patrocinado por la Archidiócesis de Los Ángeles
Ofrecemos a continuación el texto del videomensaje que el Santo Padre Francisco ha enviado, con ocasión del inicio de los trabajos, a los participantes en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa patrocinado por la Archidiócesis de Los Ángeles, que se celebra, de manera virtual, del 18 al 21 de febrero de 2021, con el tema “Proclaim the Promise!”
Pope Francis tells L.A. Religious Congress that ‘in crisis, one’s heart is revealed’
Reflecting on the “testimonies of love generously given” amid a pandemic, Pope Francis emphasized familiar themes of fraternity, hope and conversion in his address during Thursday evening’s opening ceremony of the 65th Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.
Pope to California congress participants: Let yourselves be struck by what you see
The pope participated in a conference organized by the archdiocese of Los Angeles. He asked to overcome indifference toward the suffering caused by the pandemic.
Pope to Proclaim the Promise Congress: ‘Dream and look ahead!
Participants at this year’s Religious Education Congress are discussing the theme, “Proclaim the Promise!” – a radical invitation to believe that our lives and our world are sustained by God’s promise.
Archbishop Gomez urges prayer, support for those affected by winter storm
Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles on Friday encouraged prayer and support for those affected by a major winter storm across the southern US.
En Miércoles de Ceniza piden por los trabajadores esenciales
Por primera vez en la historia del Siglo XXI, el tradicional Miércoles de Ceniza que da inicio a la Cuaresma para millones de católicos se vivió en medio de la pandemia del COVID-19.
Pope Francis to religious education conference: Pandemic invites us to be changed by suffering
n a video message to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Pope Francis said Thursday the suffering caused by the coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity to change and to have greater solidarity with others.
Pope to Proclaim the Promise Congress: ‘Dream and look ahead!’
Pope Francis sends a video message to participants of the 2021 Religious Education Congress hosted online by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This year marks the Congress’s 65th anniversary and the 50th of its Youth Day. 56 speakers from around the US will give talks hoping to inspire and transform Church members in proclaiming the Gospel, giving voice to justice, and serving others.
Iglesias en California innovan para mantener rituales de Miércoles de Ceniza
La iglesias católicas de la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles -la más grande de Estados Unidos con 287 parroquias- se las ingeniaron hoy para celebrar los rituales del Miércoles de Ceniza en medio de la pandemia de covid-19, que sigue azotando al condado.
Churches Take Different Approaches to Keeping the Faith as COVID-19 Rules Change
Some churches in Santa Barbara County quickly returned to indoor services, but others have kept status quo amid still-high COVID-19 cases and uncertainty that numbers will reach and stay low.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this m