People missed the crowds but say virtual congress offerings still valuable
ike the national March for Life, bigness as well as personal interactions are a huge part of the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the largest single Catholic gathering in the United States.
Cuaresma, tiempo de renovación y de esperanza” en L’osservatore romano de esta semana
Este nuevo ejemplar del L´Osservatore Romano en español está encabezado por el comienzo de la Cuaresma pascual. Desde su portada, con la expresión “Cuaresma, tiempo de renovación y de esperanza”, se introduce al mensaje del papa Francisco en el Ángelus dominical que coincidió con el primer domingo de Cuaresma.
New book highlights inspiring, challenging stories of six Black Catholics
I’ve long admired and been inspired by these tremendous figures, particularly in their suffering. Over the years, I’ve tried to bring more awareness to their stories. Their causes, I’ve observed, unfortunately sometimes don’t get the attention they deserve or that other more high profile causes do. Then, in this past year, my own conviction to make them better known intensified in the wake of the social upheaval we experienced.
L.A.’s virtual congress offers participants ‘hope, vision’ for the future
For Jesus’ parents, “answering God’s call meant their whole lives were turned upside down,” not unlike the events of the past year, Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez said Feb. 21 at the close of the all-virtual 2021 Religious Education Congress.
Pope tells attendees of L.A.’s virtual
Pope Francis told attendees at this year’s all-virtual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress to look for hope amid the pandemic — “a difficult time for all” — in the very theme of their gathering: “Proclaim the Promise!”
Papa Francisco alienta a anunciar el Evangelio con esperanza
El Papa Francisco alentó a anunciar el Evangelio con esperanza construyendo el futuro con fuerza y dedicación.
La situación en la frontera, tema principal de un masivo encuentro religioso
El drama que viven miles de centroamericanos que buscan refugio en Estados Unidos será uno de los temas principales en una masiva reunión religiosa que se organiza por primera vez de forma virtual debido a la crisis sanitaria.
In crises, one’s heart is revealed: Pope speaks to LA conference
Pope Francis spoke to participants in a Los Angeles conference on education, urging young people to “be the poets of a new human beauty, a new fraternal and friendly beauty!”
Papa Francisco: En la pandemia hace falta actuar como buen samaritano
La pandemia ha marcado la vida de las personas y la historia de nuestras comunidades. Ante esta y otras realidades es necesario construir el mañana, mirar el futuro, y para ello hacen falta el compromiso, la fuerza y la dedicación de todoS
Pope: the pandemic can give rise to a worldwide aspiration to fraternity
In a video message to the 65th Religious Education Congress organised by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Francis states that there is a need for a community that can support us, that can help us and in which we help each other to look forward, to a tomorrow in which we will have to “act in the Samaritan’s style”, that is, by “letting myself be struck by what I see.”