Jersey Vargas pide al papa Francisco que interceda por los inmigrantes en su reunión con Biden
El miércoles la joven Jersey Vargas llegó a la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles en el centro de la ciudad, acompañada de la Coalición Católicos pro-Inmigración para orar y entregar una carta a los funcionarios de la iglesia con la esperanza de que se la hagan llegar al Santo Pontífice.
Seeking Silence: Retreat Centers Experience COVID Boom
Heather Boll, 37, was feeling the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown last spring as she tried to manage her two businesses while guiding her three young children’s distance learning at her New Germany, Minnesota, home. Her mentor suggested she spend a weekend alone with God in the woods to relieve the stress.
Catholic doctor honored for service during COVID-19 pandemic
A neurologist who responded to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City in 2020 has been awarded this year’s Catholic Doctor of the Year Award.
Catholics in Santa Monica tackle climate change
On a recent Saturday afternoon, a group of over 50 teenagers ranging from ages 13-18 gathered in a conference hall at St. Monica Catholic Church.
For months, California private schools have been waiting for ’emergency’ Covid aid
Recognizing that all schools were struggling with Covid, Congress offered help this year for private along with public schools. The $5.5 billion for non-public schools was small compared with the $230 billion in pandemic relief for public schools since March 2020, but nonetheless an unprecedented amount.
Health care professionals mass to be celebrated at cathedral
The annual Health care Professionals Mass will be celebrated Sunday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, honoring physicians, nurses, chaplains, physical therapists, mental health caregivers, chiropractors, lab workers and all others in the field.
Imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe viaja desde Los Ángeles a la Isla Catalina
Las imágenes peregrinas de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego viajaron desde Los Ángeles a la Isla Santa Catalina como parte de la preparación espiritual de los fieles antes de cumplirse el nonagésimo aniversario de la procesión en honor a la Virgen el próximo 5 de diciembre.
Archdiocese plans series of mental health workshops
The Office of Life, Justice and Peace at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has announced a series of workshops aimed at training parish leaders and lay people to help them build mental health ministries at their respective parishes throughout Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.
St. John’s Seminary gala honors alumni
For the first time in two years, St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, one of America’s historic seminaries, held its annual gala Sept. 18 on the plaza of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles.
La imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe es restaurada!
Un buen samaritano restaurado la imagen de la Virgen que fue despiadadamente golpeada en la capilla De la Iglesia Santa Elizabeth de Hungría en Van Nuys California