Local volunteers ‘lift up’ senior parishioners in COVID-19 outreach mission
As soon as California governor Gavin Newsom issued a state-wide stay-at-home order to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), volunteers at Our Lady of Refuge Church in Long Beach formed a plan. Using the parish census that had been completed only months prior, they made a list of any senior parishioners who may be in need.
Archbishop’s homily: Jesus still traveling with believers in pandemic
Jesus continues to travel with believers even in the dark times of the coronavirus, Archbishop José H. Gomez said April 26.
Archbishop Gomez offers personal prayers, support for healthcare workers
In a personal message to doctors and nurses and other health professionals, Archbishop José H. Gomez offered prayers and gratitude for their sacrifice. “Jesus said there is no greater love than to offer one’s life in service to another. That is what you are doing, day in and day out, hour by hour,” he said.
Bishop blesses Southern California communities with hilltop benediction
Auxiliary Bishop David G. O’Connell of Los Angeles climbed a high summit in the San Gabriel Valley April 23 to bless the most populous counties of Southern California and beyond during this pandemic.
Religious education continues in different format during pandemic
When parishes announced they were no longer having public Masses or church events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this brought typical religious education classes, youth retreats and preparation programs for first Communion and confirmation across the country to a stop or at least sent them in a slightly different direction.
LA chaplains look to create ‘bridges’ with isolated coronavirus patients
When asked if ministering to patients with the coronavirus (COVID-19) at St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Ventura and St. John’s Hospital in Camarillo was different from other patients, chaplains Father Calin Tamiian and Veronica Marchese needed a moment to explain.
At an empty Easter Vigil, a word of hope for RCIA catechumens
Across two Sundays in early March, RCIA candidates and catechumens stood shoulder to shoulder in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels during the Rites of Election and Calling.
LA archdiocese to lead novena for sexual abuse healing
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles will lead nine days of prayer and reflection for healing from sexual abuse, from April 18-26.
Coronavirus ends their season, but their faith endures
There are goals, and then there are goals. High achievers set high goals, including, and maybe especially, those who are about to graduate from high school.
Music teacher keeps students tuned in via weekly community psalm sing
Heidi Vass, music director at La Reina High School and Middle School in Thousand Oaks, California, was searching for a way to keep her students singing even though distance learning kept them from singing together.