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  • ‘A reflection of God’s unconditional love’
    July 21, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    ‘Dogs of all faiths’ join at the Cathedral for tail-wagging good time.

  • Evangelization: Why it’s everyone call and duty
    July 21, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Author Terry Barber has made sharing the Good News his main work for 35 years.

  • Olimpiadas Especiales-Arz. José Gómez y Caballeros de Colón
    July 17, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    El Arzobispo José H. Gomez junto a los Caballeros de Colón se reunieron el 14 de Julio en el Coliseo de Los Angeles para anunciar su patrocinio oficial para las “Olimpiadas Especiales, Julio 2015” un torneo de juegos olímpicos para personas con capacidades especiales. Nuestra comunidad católica hace presencia una vez más en la promoción del respeto y la dignidad de todos los seres humanos, especialmente de los más necesitados. Gracias a la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, los Caballeros de Colón y a Nuestra Iglesia Católica por llevar al mundo Fe, Caridad y Esperanza.

  • Knights give $1.4 million for Special Olympics World Games
    July 16, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Caley Versfelt and Marco Martinez, Special Olympics World Games Messengers, stood before a dozen cameras July 14 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

    The two served as masters of ceremony for the press conference announcing a $1.4 million Knights of Columbus donation to the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles. They smiled and laughed like they receive this kind of attention all the time.

  • Q & A: Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
    July 16, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, took time to speak with The Tidings’ J.D. Long-García after a July 14 press conference at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum announcing the Knights’ $1.4 million gift to the Special Olympics World Games.

  • Faithful flock to see statue of Santo Toribio, the immigrants’ saint
    July 12, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    People say he’s their guardian, their lawyer, their smuggler. On a recent afternoon, they lined up at his feet with their requests:

    Please, my mother needs a visa.
    Please, my niece was caught by agents.

    Please, I can’t go on being illegal.

    As a border crisis involving the influx of tens thousands of children from Central America unfolds, the faithful of Southern California are flocking to Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez.

  • Arcángel Film Festival aims to unite Christian media efforts
    July 11, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Created with the vision of uniting Christians through Hollywood, the Arcángel Film Festival will take place July 19 at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse.

    By connecting filmmakers and artists with their audience, the program is intended to celebrate and support the progress of faith-based films and inspire Christian unity and cooperation in media and mission, say organizers.

  • La Purísima hosts ‘step back in time’ events
    July 11, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Three events that enable visitors to glimpse California Mission life “once upon a time” will be presented this summer at La Purísima Mission State Historic Park in Lompoc.

    “Purísima’s People Day” (July 12 and Sept. 6, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.) allows visitors to “step back in time” to 1822, and interact with costumed re-enactors who portray the people who called La Purisima Mission home — Padre Payeras, the Mayordomo, a blacksmith, and the women and children completing their daily chores.

  • Priestly formation and the new evangelization: The Four Pillars
    July 4, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Previously (May 30), we explained how the two guiding documents of the Catholic Church on the Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood — Pastoris Dabo Vobis (I Will Give You Shepherds) by Pope John Paul II in 1992 and The Program for Priestly Formation, 5th Edition from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2006 (hereafter referred to as PDV and PPF) — present four Pillars (or Dimensions) that are essential for the training or preparation of seminarians, and indeed for priests throughout their lives.

  • In Altadena: A new altar for Sacred Heart
    July 4, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    It wasn’t planned that way, but the weekend when parishioners at Sacred Heart Church in Altadena celebrated the blessing and consecration of their new altar was full of coincidences that couldn’t be overlooked.