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  • ‘When the Saints’: A filmmaker’s response to Jesus’ call
    August 8, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    The documentary “When the Saints” may seem, at first, an in-depth examination of the human trafficking trade. But at its heart, the film is an intimate personal journey that reveals powerful spiritual truths for producer David Peterka and his fellow filmmakers.

  • ‘How many more do we have to bury?’
    August 6, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

  • ‘Innocent children are getting killed’
    August 6, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    “Free, free Palestine!”

    “Gaza, Gaza don’t you cry! We will never let you die!”

    Chanting, marching and waving flags, signs and banners in front of the Federal Building in Westwood, some 1,500 demonstrators protested Aug. 2 on behalf of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, site of violence and bloodshed in recent weeks.

  • Make time to pray
    August 5, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    As I write, we are preparing for the Feast of the Transfiguration.

    It’s a beautiful story, one of the “luminous mysteries” of our Lord’s earthly life, and we all know it well.

    Jesus climbs the high mountain with three disciples and there they see him transfigured. His face shines like the sun. His clothes turn white as light. God’s voice from heaven commands them, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.”

  • Migrants or refugees? The factors that push unaccompanied minors across the border
    July 31, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    This past Sunday, Father Fidel Hernandez celebrated Mass for 200 undocumented children being detained at Port Hueneme Naval Base in Oxnard.

    The children have been there since June. Immigration officials have been finding places of detention in various U.S. cities for the surge of unaccompanied minors crossing the border in recent months. Most of the minors are from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

  • Dismas Ministry: Spreading God’s Word in prisons
    July 31, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    There was a recurring pattern in many of the letters Ron Zeilinger received as a religious order’s fund development director in Wisconsin 15 years ago. Prison chaplains and inmates were requesting free Catholic Bibles and study courses “like the Protestants have.”

  • ‘Help Save Rose Campaign’ creating magic to raise funds
    July 31, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    A fundraiser to finance life-saving treatment for a young Monrovia girl blinded by a rare form of brain cancer will be held Aug. 16, 6 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church, Monrovia.

    The family of three-and-a-half-year-old Rose Hengehold is seeking experimental treatment for their daughter that is offered at a hospital in Houston. Rose’s parents, Joe and Alicia, are trying to raise $160,000 for the treatment that involves medication which needs approval from the FDA.

  • A cultural ‘window of opportunity’
    July 30, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Education and advocacy are needed now in a cultural “window of opportunity” to alert the majority of the population repulsed by the eugenics of the past to the near and present dangers of the “New Eugenics” movement, said Catholic leaders at the Bioethics and Eugenics Conference July 26 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

  • The Quica Project: A mission to make Catholic education available to every child
    July 30, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Maria Marcos Romo Gonzalez (also called “Quica”), the sister of Mexican martyr St. Toribio Romo Gonzalez, dedicated her life to enabling poor children, including her brother, to receive a Christ-centered education. The Quica project bears her name because our mission is to allow Spirit and Truth education available to every child.

  • ‘Quicas’ among us: Following in the footsteps of Santo Toribio’s sister
    July 25, 2014  |  Around the ADLA  |  

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    ‘Quicas’ among us: Following in the footsteps of Santo Toribio’s sister
    July 25, 2014
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    Sister Sheila

    Maria Marcos Romo Gonzalez, also called “Quica,” the sister of Mexican martyr St. Toribio Romo Gonzalez, dedicated her life to enabling poor children, including her brother, to receive a Christ-centered education.