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  • NFL veteran awards Golden Football to St. Anthony High School
    February 4, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Super Bowl champion Manu Tuiasosopo returned to his alma mater, St. Anthony High School in Long Beach, to present a Super Bowl 50 Golden Football on behalf of the NFL during a private reception with the school’s football coaches and players on Jan. 29.

  • CEF Scholars Receive Full Four-Year Scholarships to College
    February 2, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    On February 2, Sacred Heart High School seniors and CEF scholars, Judith Estrada and Alexis Herrera were awarded full four-year college scholarships from the Angels Baseball Foundation. In celebration of Catholic Schools Week and the awards, Sacred Heart High School hosted a special assembly to recognize Estrada and Herrera. Angel’s Owner, Arte Moreno, and Mark Merhab, Chairman of the Angeles Baseball Foundation, presented the students with the scholarships along with their very own Angels jerseys. The jerseys were personalized with the number 20, signifying the year Estrada and Herrera will graduate from college.

    January 31, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Cada año, cuando se cumple un aniversario más de la decisión de la Suprema Corte sobre el caso Roe versus Wade que legalizó el aborto en Estados Unidos, una multitud se congrega en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles para celebrar la Misa Réquiem en homenaje a aquellos a quienes no se les permitió nacer. De este modo se corona un día de eventos dirigidos a crear conciencia sobre la importancia de terminar con esta práctica.

    January 31, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Recientemente, el Arzobispo ayudó a servir el almuerzo a más de 70 hombres en el refugio de transición para desamparados, como parte del llamado que realizó el Papa Francisco para el Año de la Misericordia en la Iglesia católica universal.

  • Proclaiming the Gospel of Life at the Requiem for the Unborn
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Capping a day devoted to events targeting an end to elective abortions, a massive throng filled the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels the evening of Jan. 23 for the annual Requiem for the Unborn, the archdiocesan pro-life liturgy held each year on or near the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S.

  • Vujicic to students: ‘You’re all beautiful just the way that you are’
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Renowned evangelist Nick Vujicic spoke at Bishop Amat High School in La Puente Jan. 22, addressing approximately 600 students between kindergarten and 5th grade who were bussed in from area Catholic schools for a morning program, and an estimated 2,000 6th to 12th graders on hand for an afternoon segment. Both presentations were live-streamed to Catholic schools across the archdiocese via the Department of Catholic Schools’ website.

  • ‘A vision for society as God wants it to be’: An estimated 20,000 march for human dignity in Downtown LA
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Carrying banners and signs to celebrate the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, thousands of Catholics and Christians of different denominations joined together as they walked through the streets of downtown Los Angeles Jan. 23 in support of OneLife LA.

  • Door of Mercy opened at Sylmar Juvenile Hall
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    “I was pleased to receive your recent letter and to learn that Archbishop Gomez will be opening a Holy Door of Mercy at the Barry Nidorf [Sylmar] Juvenile Hall. It brings me great joy to know that you and the other residents are united with the whole Church in celebrating this Jubilee of Mercy.”

  • Mercy on L.A.’s Skid Row
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    “Enjoy,” said Archbishop José H. Gomez, placing the plate of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and salad in front of the middle-aged man with the shaved head. He repeated the motion with the other hand to a nearby gentleman wearing a flannel shirt. Then he headed back to the counter of the Cardinal Manning Center for two more paper plates.

  • Cathedral to host closing Mass for Year of Consecrated Life
    January 28, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    The Archdiocese of Los Angeles will celebrate the closing of the Jubilee Year of Consecrated Life with a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles on Jan. 31 at 3:30 p.m.