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  • The Way of the Cross: A rich source of grace and mercy
    March 17, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    On Good Friday, March 25, following the 3 p.m. Liturgy of the Passion at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the 10th annual Via Crucis — Way of the Cross — will commence in the Cathedral Plaza. Sponsored by the Communion and Liberation lay movement, the Via Crucis has been associated with the cathedral for seven years.

    March 11, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

  • William H. Hannon Foundation continues namesake’s support of Loyola High School
    March 11, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    This month, Loyola High School in Los Angeles received a $1 million grant for the modernization and expansion of their student activities center. The improved Xavier Center will host a variety of school functions, while also standing as a reminder of the late William H. Hannon’s devotion to his alma mater.

  • St. John Vianney Golf Tournament fundraiser seeks to rebuild church destroyed by arson
    March 11, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    The parish community of St. John Vianney Church in Hacienda Heights will be holding a golf tournament fundraiser next month to help collect funds to rebuild their church building, which was completely destroyed by arson five years ago. The April 18 fundraiser will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of St. John Vianney parish. The tournament will begin with registration at 10 a.m., a silent auction at 4:30 p.m. and a dinner and awards ceremony at 5:45 p.m. The Friendly Hills Country Club, located at 8500 S. Villa Verde Dr., Whittier, will host the event.

  • In Simi Valley: ‘A window to the infinite’
    March 10, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    They were linked, bizarrely, by would-be assassins’ bullets that struck them within seven weeks of each other in the spring of 1981.

  • Change of habit: The struggle of African American sisters in the U.S.
    March 10, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    Sister Desiré Findlay teaches dance, religion and Spanish at all-girls’ Pomona Catholic High School here in the archdiocese. Six months ago, she was interviewed for a book on the history of racial discrimination within U.S. women religious congregations.

  • Los Angeles religious brothers honor Brother Stephen de la Rosa
    March 10, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    During the annual Mass and Dinner for Religious Brothers of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, participating brothers always take some time to single out a fellow brother who serves others selflessly each and every day — and this year’s March 6 gathering was no exception.

  • St. Lucy senior leads robotics team to win championship
    March 10, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    St. Lucy’s Priory High School in Glendora is proud to announce that senior Breann Garcia is the winner of the California High Desert Vex Robotics High School League Championships in Hesperia.

    March 7, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    “Misericordia Inagotable” marcó el lema del Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2016, en honor y reflexión al Año de la Misericordia convocado por el Papa Francisco. Por lo tanto, todo el fin de semana del 25 al 28 de febrero giró alrededor de la cultura de la misericordia, la cual alcanzó a todos los asistentes del Congreso con dos movimientos. Un movimiento interno que nos lleva a reflexionar sobre la importancia de ser testigos de la misericordia, aceptando el amor de Dios en nuestras vidas. Y el otro movimiento es compartir con los demás la misericordia de Dios en una acción concreta para favorecer a los más necesitados.

    March 7, 2016  |  Around the ADLA  |  

    En respuesta al llamado que realizó el Papa Francisco durante el Año Santo de la Misericordia, el Arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José Gomez, y otros Obispos del Sur de California dieron a conocer una importante iniciativa durante la “Immigration Summit 2016” (Cumbre de Inmigración), en la Catedral de Cristal, en Orange. La Iglesia Católica brindará asistencia gratuita para que alrededor de dos millones y medio de residentes legales de California se conviertan en ciudadanos.