Sr. Alessandra Kubasta, OP, taught at St. Thomas More in Alhambra
SINSINAWA, Wis.—Sister Alessandra Kubasta, OP, died May 18, 2017, at St. Dominic Villa. The funeral Mass was held at the Sinsinawa Dominican motherhouse, Sinsinawa, May 24, 2017, followed by burial of the cremains in the Motherhouse Cemetery.
Remembering three deceased priests
Msgr. Douglas W. Saunders died on March 17. He was 78. His funeral Mass was held at St. Maria Goretti Church in Long Beach on March 28, followed by internment at Holy Cross Mortuary in Culver City. Condolences may be sent: c/o St. Maria Goretti Church, 3954 Palo Verde Ave., Long Beach, CA 90808.
Ventura softball star: Encountering Christ through service
To a pitcher, a little situation like bases loaded, full count and trying to protect a one-run lead in the late innings is no big deal — not if you’ve been doing this since you were 8 years old.
Pilgrim Fátima statue visits Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
On the morning of May 14, marking a weekend that celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first Fátima apparition and the canonization of two of the Fátima children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels welcomed the pilgrim Our Lady of Fátima statue, which Archbishop José H. Gomez blessed at the end of the 10 a.m. Mass.
Catholic Education Foundation celebrates 30 years of funding Catholic education for low-income families
The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) is celebrating 30 years of making a quality Catholic education more accessible. The event will be held at the Rose Bowl Stadium on Thursday, May 11, 2017, and honor Dr. J. Mario Molina with the CEF Cornerstone of the Community Award and Alex Chacon, Principal of Bishop Mora Salesian High School, with the inaugural CEF Keystone of the Community Award.
Father Thomas C. Anslow, canon lawyer for archdiocese, dies at 71
On April 28, Father Thomas C. Anslow, CM, died on April 28, after more than 40 years of service to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He was 71-years-old.
Sister Corinne Avila, religious sister for 72 years, dies at 93
Sister Corinne Avila, PBVM, a religious sister for 72 years, died at the Presentation Motherhouse in San Francisco on April 19. She was 93.
Relics of St. Padre Pio to visit Los Angeles
This year the relics of St. Padre Pio are touring the U.S., and will stop at St. Andrew Church in Los Angeles on May 18-19.
Sesenta y cuatro parejas recientemente celebraron aniversarios que van de 25 a 71 años de estar casados, y renovaron sus votos matrimoniales. El evento tuvo lugar en las Misas del Día Mundial del Matrimonio en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, y fueron presididas por el Arzobispo José H. Gomez.
El Santo Padre se unió a la 25ª celebración del “Día Mundial del Enfermo” el pasado mes de febrero, que anima a los enfermos y a sus seres queridos a acudir a Santa María como alivio al sufrimiento. En el mensaje que envió dijo que esta celebración “constituye una ocasión para prestar especial atención a la situación de los enfermos y de todos los que sufren en general”.